La vitesse de mon ordi s'effondre lorsque je mets le VPN

lorsque je mets le VPN pour securiser mes communications, la vistesse de mon ordi Surface Pro 6 s’effondre au point que je peux plus ouvrir de page internet ou attendre des dizaines de secondes.

A VPN is always going to slow your connection due to the overhead of encrypting and decrypting your data as it leaves and returns to your computer. For some reason, that we cannot figure out, some users experience severe slow downs. First thing to try is choosing a different virtual location.

I tried to change the location but it does’nt change any thing.
So no solution to enable a normal flow with a VPN connection??
This is a major gap for Norton!

Still did not succeed in fixing it. I tried many things including shutting down my firewall but it does not help. It takes me litterally 2min to load the first amazon page… any help ? reco ? I tried all locations already.

I desinstalled the Norton VPN. No support a catastrophy.