In 2008 Floating_Red created the thread Listing Forum Ranks which has become one of, if not the, longest thread in the forums and is currently 58 pages long. It has been much used to celebrate the promotion of hard working members of the forums as they contribute and help others. Unfortunately its popularity, and therefore length, makes it hard to use with the functionality of today's forums. So I have created this thread as a possible follow on that might let users continue with the celebrations without it being quite so difficult to check our the more recent posts.
I leave it up to you to decide if you wish to use this thread.
If you wish to go back to the original thread you can find a link here.
If you would like to jump to the latest post in that thread (as I post this one) you can find a link here.
I hope you find this thread of use, but whatever happens, may I thank all those who strive to help others on the forums and particularly those who have been promoted but for whatever reason we have missed it, and not mentioned you in these threads. Well done and thanks.