Little Snitch has messed up my Mac!

Yes, I did it. I went to a file-sharing site. Was told in the text of the specific question to install Little Snitch. And I did. It was also mentioned in this forum in response to Post: "Re: Norton Firewall & Application Blocking: How do I know which are OK to approve?" which has been closed as "Solved". It's not solved when someone in the string says to install Little Snitch and that it would solve these problems.


I didn't have any problems with my "baby" until after I installed that crappy software!! Everyday—and I am not exaggerating here—a Norton Notification pops up at start-up declaring, "Application Blocking: application BLOCKED. When: Sep 29, 2012 1:11:10 PM [or everyday for the last several months!!!]. Application: /usr/sbin/cupsd   Process ID: 36"


I Googled "/usr/sbin/cupsd" and the best link took me here to the Norton forums. So at the moment, I'd like to hunt the guy down who suggested Little Snitch! But a more successful reaction is to hope a brilliant Mac/Norton trouble-shooter can help me figure this out. I'm listing the issues in numbered setup:

  1. Is "/usr/sbin/cupsd" (and some others I don't recall at this moment) a Mac system file that would cause system issues if it got deleted or blocked?  (I am having some issues. Running incredibly slow.)

  2. I could not find an "uninstall" for Little Snitch, and (this is bad), so I manually pulled the application from the app folder and deleted the trash. I also nosed around in my user library and documents folders, and frankly can't remember now if I found anything, but I know I would have deleted it considering how pissed and frustrated I am.

    So, what are the step-by-step instructions to removing Little Snitch completely from my system—stating the solutions where; a. I would not have manually deleted files that had "LittleSnitch" in the file name and; b. What now?

    Btw, I have used a Mac since the days when they were a rectangle box setting up on end and had a screen size of about 5"?? (I think); it was all so easy for so long. But now....I feel like I'm in Windows!!!! hunting down parts and pieces of the software.

  3. And why hasn't Mac ever put in a "Task Manager" (like Windows), so I can see all the applications running and can do a programmed deletion of ALL the application pieces from there??? Or have I been falling behind on the system changes? I am an artist who is pretty good at trouble-shooting most software and some hardware issues, but THIS! I don't have time for this!!! This problem has been going on for months, and I have finally been able to address it. So far, I've spent over TWO HOURS and running.

  4. Why is Norton, of all applications, the one popping up daily, advising me it has already blocked "/usr/sbin/cupsd" if the file is an important part of the Mac system and OS?

  5. To help in advising me, the following are my Mac system details:

    Hardware Overview:
      Model Name:    Mac Pro
      Model Identifier:    MacPro1,1   (I know, she's getting old, but so is my Mustang, and they both run great, until now)
      Processor Name:    Dual-Core Intel Xeon
      Processor Speed:    2 GHz
      Number Of Processors:    2
      Total Number Of Cores:    4
      L2 Cache (per processor):    4 MB
      Memory:    5 GB
      Bus Speed:    1.33 GHz
      Boot ROM Version:    MP11.005C.B08
      SMC Version (system):    1.7f10
      Serial Number (system):    G87123WFUPZ
      Hardware UUID:    00000000-0000-1000-8000-0017F207D6D6

    System Software Overview:
      System Version:    Mac OS X 10.6.8 (10K549)
      Kernel Version:    Darwin 10.8.0
      Boot Volume:    Tara
      Boot Mode:    Normal
      Computer Name:    Tara Computer
      User Name:    Charmaine Keller (charmaine)
      Secure Virtual Memory:    Enabled
      64-bit Kernel and Extensions:    No
      Time since boot:    1:32

  6. I saved a crash report I got regarding LittleSnitch. Pasted it in here, but apparently I cannot exceed 20,000 characters. Can I have more than one attachment? I'll try it.

    "Help me, Obi wan Kenobi. You're my only hope."
