Live Update doesnt update while watch Video

I've seen a couple threads in the past month but the original posters never came back to finish off the thread.


So I'll post a new one.


I've been a long time Norton Internet Security subscriber; at least 5yrs plus.  Every year I always go out and buy a new product; so Ill buy 2011, 2012, or even 2013 (as examples only)


Well I skipped last year meaning I think I have NIS 2012 installed but have periodically updated the Interface/System (or whatever it is).


I guess lets just put it this way; when I had NIS 2012 and version 19.xx I've noticed I hadnt had any problems with Live Update; every few minutes it would automatically update; YAY thats what its supposed to do right?


I upgraded to 20.xx and noticed I had an issue


Then today after talking to Tech Support I noticed I needed to upgrade to 21.xx


Both 20.xx and 21.xx I've noticed that if I'm watching a Video Live Update doenst work but possibly updates once an hour.  I'm gonna start gaming here in a few and hopefully will last an hour and see if I can replicate the situation as well.  But I'm wondering why it doesnt update when I'm running stuff in the background?  Is this something new that changed from 19-20? Even 21?


Heres what happened


I downloaded new version

It got upgraded
It said LiveUpdate hasnt updated in 10hrs (which is a lie but whatever LOL)

I ran Live Update and it had 11 updates; no biggie

I ran Live Update again; maybe 1 more update

I ran Live Update again; nope everything is up to par


So I watched a Game Video, one that lasted a good 10minutes or so. Once done I saw that my Update was elapsed 12minutes.  I waited 2 more minutes and ran it manually; there was an update.


I re ran Live Update (nope good to go)

I watched 2 more videos spanning about another 12-14minutes. I waited a couple more minutes to see if it would update and....honestly I forgot if it did or didnt on its own LOL


Now I'm guessing if I run a Virus Scan on Drive C that it will not Update throughout the Scan process? So if Drive C took a literal 54hrs to scan my Live Update will not update for 54hrs total right? Reason I ask is because I started a Scan, went to the store to Grocery Shop; came back....OOOOh hold on for a minute oh okay yeah....1hr and 1minute for Drive C scan and of course my Live Update was 1hr elapsed


Presently as I'm typing this and or searching these forums the max amount of time I've seen elapsed is 9minutes.......Roughly every 9minutes it automatically resets to 1second...meaning its automatically updating.


So I guess, again, the question I have; well two....


1-If you're watching a Video using any Video application...VLC, Windows Media Player, ITunes, Quicktime,Cyberlink, etc that Norton doesnt update until you are done watching a video?


2-If you're running a Virus Scan, especially the same drive that Norton is installed, no matter the duration, LiveUpdate will not update until the Scan is done?


OOhh look lol I got a max of 7minutes before it reset.  So I'm thankful that browsing the internet it auto updates, YAY; now I just need to figure out why if I'm watching Videos it doesnt.


I also need to try watching a couple 45minute episodes off Netflix and see if it affects that too.  Silverlight is the add on it uses so...but its also browser based; hmmm guess same would go for


Okay okay if Auto Update works while I'm watching a 45minute Episode off the Browser (Netflix, Hulu) I will be fine...I just still wonder about the long Pause while using Cyberlink and me watching a Video there....oh BTW I'm thinking in this case it will only update once an hour?