Live Update Failed to Complete

We received a new computer with Norton already loaded on the system.  I ran the appropriate system scan, so that my computer is now secure, but when I try to run Live Update, there are two items that show, "Status: Failed to Complete".  The items are Norton 2012 Web Protection Definitions and Norton 2012 Web Protection Definitions (hub).  I've run Live Update several times and both are still showing, "Failed to Complete".  Please advise. 



Please try running Live update continuosly and if it fails again to stay protected with latest virus definitions, you can use the Intelligent Updater option. Its nothing but a means to get the virus definitions updated and remember only virus updates and not product updates.


You can download the exe file from this location: and just run the exe on your machine.  One think to be noted is, please download the exe depending on whether your system is 64-bit or 32-bit. You can find it by the name of the EXE file.




Thanks for the professional reply.  In my case, liveupdate results only worsened, in terms of completion.  Diagnostics strongly recommended RnR, so I did.  That was easy and successful.  After restart and running liveupdate another 4 times to catch all the patches and updates, I am green again, running v. 

Hi R A Butler and welcome to the forums,

The "newbie" applies to the length of time you have been a member of this forum and has nothing to do with how long you have used or how much knowledge you have of Norton products.  It is not intended as an insult.

My first suggestion is that you go to and verify that there is not a problem on Norton's end - as you mention you would like to eliminate.

Did you go to History > LiveUpdate and see if the failed update showed which update failed or provided additional details?

Numerous users have had situations when trying to update to version in the past week or so.  What version is shown in Help > About.  In some cases reruns of LiveUpdate (LU) have solved the situation, in others reinstallation was required.  Dependent on your system, the update via LU required downloads, processing of downloads, a restart and in some cases even a patch being applied. The number of LU runs, items processed and restart/patch seems to be determined by the bitness (32bit or 64bit) of your system.

As a side note, I would suggest you enable auto LU - I feel there is no telling when a critical new definition for a just found threat may be added to your protection, and sadly you would miss it for a few days using your method.  Of course it is your system and you are free to do as you please, just my 2¢.

It would also be helpful if you would post your Norton Product, the version you are running and also your Operating System and default browser.

We'll be awaiting your reply.

Your email tags call me a "newbie" (only a mild insult) but I've been a Norton user for a number of years.   Anyway, here's my problem - on 9 Feb 2017 I tried to run liveupdate, which I do every few days (I prefer not to use automatic update).  Files downloaded, but update failed to complete; I haven't had this problem in months, maybe years (but I've had this problem a few times before, though rerunning liveupdate immediately almost always results in a successful update).  This time, about 2Mb downloaded, but the update failed; then I reran liveupdate and about 80Mb downloaded, but failed to complete.  I waited a few hours, then retried, but again update failed.   I waited a day and tried again just now.  Again about 2Mb downloaded, and failed, and on the second try, about 80Mb downloaded, and failed.  The download amounts were different than yesterday.  I successfully ran liveupdate 2 days ago, no problems, so my current status is green (so I'm "up to date," even though I'm really not); I ran your diagnostics which say no problems.  So what's going on here?  Unless I can first eliminate the possibility of a problem on your end, I really don't want to get into a cycle of uninstalling and reinstalling if I can possibly avoid it.  Are other users having similar problems within the last day or two?  I'm about a month from my annual update deadline.  What do you suggest?

Glad it’s now working for you. It’s not abnormal for this to happen. It usual resolves itself with a few hours.

The first suggestion here is usually that it may be a temporary server issue between your computer and the Norton Servers. If you still see this after 12 hours post back and we can look further.


Hi PatsSoxBruins,

Thanks, a few minutes ago Live Update succeeded!

Maybe it was a server sync like you suggested. However, this time there were 2 updates instead of 1...maybe a related one?

At least it works again :-)




I noticed an extra update was available a few minutes ago...this time the Live Update succeeded.

Best regards,


It is usually a sever sync issue. Happens to me every now and then. Try in a few hours. You can always uninstall and reinstall.