Live update


Maintenant quand j'exécute manuellement live update, à la fin on m'indique que l'installation a échoué.  comment y remédier ?




Are you running Parental Controls? They can sometimes interfere with Live Update.  Please see if this KB will aid you.

Have a Good Night and


Thanks for your reply

yes tried on five days


Have you restarted your computer between these LiveUpdate attempts?


Hi billjf,

From here:

Your Norton product shows the date on which it last obtained the protection updates. We recommend that you keep the Automatic LiveUpdate option turned on always. This way, when you are connected to the Internet, LiveUpdate works silently every one hour to check and download new protection updates. So, your Norton product is up-to-date on its own. If you are not connected to the Internet for a long time or you turned off the Automatic LiveUpdate option, you need to run LiveUpdate at regular intervals to get the latest protection updates.

Hope that provides what you are looking for.