LiveDrive performance issues / mouse behaviour

I was wondering if by any chance anyone had come across this issue? I contacted them with the following:

Posted on: 21 June 2015 21:34


I have a really annoying issue with live drive. It seems that whenever live drive is scanning or indeed backing up on my machine I lose all control of the mouse pointer and it moves in phases therefore giving a jumping effect and its unusable. If i kill the live drive process from task manager when I eventually get to it then the mouse behaves normally.
Surely this defeats the point of live drive if i have to end the process. Is there something I can do to prevent this from happening? I am running it on a windows 7 and windows 8.1 pc and they both seem to suffer this issue.


There response after i informed them of my anti virus solution was as follows which does kind of make sense!

Hi Paul,

Thanks for the confirmation. We have had several customers that use Symantec anti virus recently that have been experiencing issues with the upload speed and the performance of Livedrive, after extensive testing we've found that this has been caused by a recent update that Symantec have released.

We currently have found two workaround's to resolve this issue;

The first is that if you restrict the band width used in the Livedrive software seems to rectify. To do this open the Livedrive Settings > Bandwidth > Reduce uploads to 250 KB/s . This will slow down the transfers however so is not a long terms solution.

The second option is to remove the encryption between your computer and Livedrive. To do this open the Livedrive Settings > Security > Untick "Encrypt all file transfer between my computer and Livedrive" This option changes the port to transfer data from TCP 443 to 50234. Again this is less secure but means that the software should be able to use full bandwidth to transfer data.

Due to the nature of the second workaround it would seem that Symantec have become more aggressive with their scanning on port 443 as turning off this encryption will mean that Livedrive uses port 50234 instead.
We would ask you to advise your customer to contact Symantec and let them know that they are using a software that is transferring data over TCP port 443 and try to work with them to get a resolution.

If you have any other questions please do let us know.