Windows Vista Professional 64 bit with Intel Quad core and 4 GB ram.
Attempted to update Ghost 14 using Live Update. I did NOT run Live Update as administrator. Live Update failed and now Ghost doesn't work. Norton error messages are worthless for troubleshooting. Can anyone help? Got the following during update attempt:
The following Symantec products and components are installed on your computer.
> LiveUpdate
> Norton Ghost
Connecting to
Downloading catalog file (1 of 2), product up-to-date.
Downloading catalog file (2 of 2), complete.
Opening update list
The digital signature found on the catalog file has been signed by Symantec Corporation.
Processing update list
Opening update list
Processing update list
The following updates have been found:
> Norton Ghost, 52267.2 KB
Total Download 52267.2 KB
Downloading Norton Ghost (1 of 1), complete.
Installing Norton Ghost (1 of 1), failed.
LU1812: A program that was part of this update failed when it ran. This update was not applied.
Installation failed, error summary...
LU1806: LiveUpdate downloaded all of the updates you requested, but all of them failed to install. Please try to get the updates at a later time.
LiveUpdate session is complete.