Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis. Vestibulum id ligula porta felis euismod semper. Donec ullamcorper nulla non metus auctor fringilla. Aenean lacinia bibendum nulla sed consectetur. Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Cras mattis consectetur purus sit amet fermentum. Morbi leo risus, porta ac consectetur ac, vestibulum at eros. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis. Etiam porta sem malesuada magna mollis euismod. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Aenean eu leo quam. Pellentesque ornare sem lacinia quam venenatis vestibulum. Curabitur blandit tempus porttitor. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis.
Having the same issue.
Also saw a comment at VersionTracker complaining about this: http://www.versiontracker.com/php/feedback/article.php?story=20080909121314326#74164
10.4.11 PPC
NAV 11.0.1 (3)
LiveUpdate 5.0.2 (75)
I'm glad I wasn't the only one having a problem. However, it didn't go through halfway, it just said "Error."
I'm using a PPC 10.4.11 Mac. Also, is NAV 11.0.1 now on the NIS/NAV forums, or the other products forum?
Although this forum has mainly Windows user on it, I think there should be a Mac forum, especially because of the recent vulnerabilities/adware/viruses (OSX.RSPlug.A, OSX.Cosmac, OSX.Leap.A, OSX.Inqtana.A, OSX.Inqtana.B, OSX.Inqtana.C, and commercial keyloggers like LogText and others.
Also, I have a few questions. When I update, the file size is about 8 MB. However, sometimes I update and the file size is 500 K. Is the bigger file Windows/Linux viruses, and the other file which is update about two to three times a month a Mac file? Also, when I search for file names using the Virus Definition Searcher Status thing (about 40,000), does that list every Mac virus? Also, for the Vulnerability Searcher, it doesn't list all Mac-known vulnerabilities, or at least I don't think it does. Also, does NAV 11.0.1 detect some files that these (http://www.macscan.securemac.com, http://www.iantivirus.com) detect? Also, do you detect the newer iMunizator (Macsweeper, but way harder to delete) (couldn't find a file, only a blog post)? Also, could we have the option to search for Mac-specific threats in the threat searcher (about 40,000) thing? I like researching Mac threats, and it's hard to find them with all those Windows Viruses and Macros listed.
Thanks, and NAV 11.0.1 is the best-antivirus I have ever used.
When I updated my Norton AntiVirus for Macintosh in the weekend, it seems to have blocked further updates. I keep getting the same NAV for Mac Virus Defs Update which only goes half through the download and then gets an error message.
How do I update the latest Virus Defs and avoid any errors?
Yours sincerely
hi guys--
Could you email me at Mike_romo@symantec.com? We're gonna want to work with you to figure out what you are seeing.
thanks for your post, I am glad you found it. We're gonna add a Mac section soon, so keep on visiting!
Let's try to answer your questions:
1 - We are investigating the problem. We'll keep you up to date on what we find.
2 - As far as file sizes, Norton AntiVirus 11 has a few files that it updates, including antivirus definitions and vulnerability signatures.And, of course, we include Windows viruses in the definitions file as well, so the file sizes will change from time to time, as we add new stuff.
As far as what we protect against, you can look it up within the application--we get our information from Symantec Security Response, who provides protection for all of Symantec applications, both enterprise and regular consumer versions of our products. As far as the specific ones you asked about, I will check for you.
one really easy way to look for Mac threats in the listing is to look for the "OSX" in the search window and it will display them. Some threats that you might see others protect against might very well be OS 9 and older threats. We work with other security vendors to make sure we are protecting you against the latest and dangerous threats (and the various "flavors" of those threats)--sometimes we may call them different names.
I am glad you liked the product but I am sorry if the LiveUpdating is causing you problems. We'll get back to you asap on this.
Our QA manager, Nick, just told me he's gonna chime in, too...take it away, Nick!
hi all--
So, looks like the issue is fixed. I posted the following to the versiontracker link as well:
The LiveUpdate servers have been checked and things should be working again. Here's the deal--when we post our signature files, they are sent to Akamai servers all around the world.
Sometimes replication of the definitions introduces errors in content. LiveUpdate is unable to do anything about it except notify, and because of the digital signing technology within our products we are able to recognize altered content, and LiveUpdate can report the error. The content has to be reposted on the servers from a trusted site. Once the reposted content propagates to users, they should be able to LiveUpdate their definitions without errors.
We have reset the definitions a clean install and everything looks like its running smoothly. The servers that replicate our content experienced large spikes in downloads today which possibly caused them not to get updated with our current definitions. We’re re-pushing all of the data out now to correct the issue. Should be fixed by the time I've done typing this message (3:37PM PST).
Anyway, I know this is an aggravation and I apologize for the irritation this might have caused you. But thanks for your patience, let me know if you have any questions.
have a good weekend!!
mike romo
Hey Security_Wiz,
Just wanted to address a few of your questions.
The smaller file size is due to a technology we call "MicroDefinitions." We try to keep the updates smaller by only giving you the new additions that you don't currently have in your active virus definitions. Once in a while we'll have to update your "base" set of defs - you'll see these come down as larger 8 MB downloads. Sometimes we also need to update the actual scanning Engine. This will usually require a new download of virus definitions and will be larger than 8 MB - these Engine updates happen once or twice a year.
The Virus Definition Information window does list all of the Mac viruses, worms, trojans, scripts, and macros (as well as Windows/PC versions of all). The search/filtering is a little tricky (as it only searches on the Virus Name column) but you can search for OSX and MAC - that should show most of the OS X and Mac OS specific threats.
Vulnerability Protection configuration is basically the same - it will list all of the loaded signatures. I believe we have signatures for all known, remote code execution (not local) threats. You can search for things like Apple, Quicktime, and Mac.
I'm fairly confident we detect most (if not all) of the threats that are caught by MacScan and iAntiVirus. One benefit we can provide is a large global network that is dedicated to detecting theats early and (more importantly) deploying updated virus defs to customers in a timely manner, which is very important in a landscape that contains cross-platform threats like macro viruses. In addition, the Vulnerability Protection is something not offerered with either of those two products. We are seeing more and more network-based attacks and think that it's important to look at these types of threats and not just viruses, malware, and spyware.
I don't think we detect iMunizator or Macsweeper. I think it can be a little tricky to classify these as "threats" or "malware" - I think the accepted term is "scareware"? There could be some legal implications if we get a little too trigger happy on determining what is a "virus" or "trojan." I think this falls more into Mike's category... so I'll let him answer. :)
I agree we should make it easier... I'll see if we can get a feature like that for the next NAV.
Thanks for your compliments! Hopefully that answers some of your questions - let me know if you have any more!
Your solution touches on something I've noticed. Twice now I have downloaded products from Symantec that arrived corrupted. One was NIS2009 (final build) and one was Norton Safe Web plugin. Both immediately produced errors when I ran them. Repeated attempts to run the software produced exactly the same errors.
Subsequent downloads got the same file with the same version number, but ones that worked without problems. Had I put two and two together I would have saved the original problematic files, but I didn't, and I apologize for that.
What I am wondering is if somehow the EOF (end of file) is getting truncated during the handoff. I assumed that the problem was on my machine, perhaps with the IE7 Pro downloader. But now that I read about the replication errors as your virus signatures are copied from server to server, it occurs to me that the problem might be on your side. A single EOF error can produce ever-worsening copies of a file. It you use your servers in series of any sort, then all you need is one server malfunctioning to pass on corrupted sig files down the line.
All supposition, I know; and probably the error is in a totally different place. Anyway, if I get another corrupted download, I will save it and let you know.
Thanks for replying to my post!
Yes, that does answer my questions. Also, I just want you to know that the problem is now fixed and I was able to update to the most recent virus definitions.
Dear All,
Thank you, Mike and others, for your speedy replies and fix to the problem! Last week (or was it the week before) the updates started working normally again.
By the bye, thank you for extremely good products, both NAV for Mac, and Norton 360, which I'm using for the Windows partition of my Apple Mac!
Unfortunately, when I tried updating both my NAV for Mac and Norton 360 today, neither was able to perform the operation. Is it a temporary problem w. the LiveUpdate servers, today?
I run my Windows XP HE SP3 off a Virtual Machine created by VMware Fusion. Aside from LiveUpdate problems I've experienced w. both products, I am extremely pleased w. both!
Could the problems have been caused by the fact that I travelled from Spain, which is my country of residence, to Sweden for an extended weekend holiday, Friday to today? I didn't bring m USB Modem, and I was never connected to the internet over there.
Thank You and Kind Regards,
hey Stefan!
Have you run LiveUpdate again? just curious to see if you are still seeing this issue.
Dear Mike,
Thank you for your prompt response!
I tried writing a reply back last week, but for some reason, I couldn't log onto the Norton Community Website.
Everything is now working to 100% both on my NAV for Mac, and on the Norton 360 I have on the Windows partition on my Apple Mac.
Downloads are working excellently for both products, however I seem to have got a virus on my Virtual Machine which Norton 360 isn't picking up. Maybe I should ask one of your colleagues who deals with PC related issues!
Thank you for an extremely good set of products!
Best Regards,
Thanks, Stefan!
I will ask Mark to look at this post to see what might be happening.
Thanks following up and for your support.
hi Stefan!
Thanks for the note. Have you tried updating today? We had a hiccup with the defs posting earlier in the week but it's been addressed (we just ran LiveUpdate and it seems to be working fine).
Just so you (and everyone else) knows, if you ever have any kind of issue with LiveUpdate, we do post standalone (aka "intelligent") updaters for our products. You can find the Norton AntiVirus defintions updaters here:
So, I would suggest running LiveUpdate again. If that doesn't work, try doing the standalone updater and then check LiveUpdate again to make sure it cycle through. Regardless, keep us posted--we'll make things right!
thanks for posting.