In my activity log I noticed a notatation “Locate Command Triggered.”
I have not yet set this up so I am wondering what exactly is going on and is my privacy safe.
I'm sure that the explanation that Andmike gave above is still what is happening. I too noticed lately that the locate command is run daily, where it had not been so for a while.
It may have been something that slipped out of the builds for a while that has just been reintroduced.
I was just looking back at my activity log also and about 8 days ago Locate Command Trigger started showing up. Before that as far back as I look that has never appeared before, so I also started worring abput saftey and being hacked..... Hoping Norton has a reasonable explanation
I think I understand what you have. You gave turned off Location services in the Android settings. I just tested on my phone and turning off Location in Android settings gives the same indication you are seeing in the NMS app. .'location service is off' .
So that should do what you wish.
But is still not possible to just turn off the locate in the NMS app.
Under device, Anti theft, Locate ...'location service is off'
I still don't understand why in the settings you have option to enable this service if it runs anyway.
Where did you find this setting? I could find no setting to enable or disable the Locate command.
I told the tech guy that I'd seen other people say it couldn't be turned off after reading it here. He actually asked me to send the link to where I'd read this. I still don't understand why in the settings you have option to enable this service if it runs anyway. Guess that is what annoys me, I already paid for an app that has signs of not working in the way it claims. I know a Blackhawk helicopter probably won't swoop down on me to take me away, but I feel like they are using my data for their gain after I've already paid. It's either that or they can't make an app work the way it's supposed.
The support techs work from databases when they enter key word searches when you are in contact with them. If you mention a key word and the database says to check this or that, that is what they can suggest to you. Occasionally you will find an agent that has actually used a specific product and can go off the script.
The locate command is designed to give you a chance to find a lost or stolen phone. One of the main features of the NMS app. The low battery covers the scenario where the phone or tablet is lost or stolen and is not being used. Not everyone uses their phone or tablet every day. Eventually, the battery will die. NMS takes a last locate as a last chance to find the phone.
If you are that paranoid about the locates being done, I'm not sure if turning off the Locate feature in your phone will block the feature from working. If it does, and your device gets lost or stolen, you would have no way to try to locate it.
I wish the tech guys would admit this, rather than wasting hours of my time suggesting things even I know don't work. What is the reasoning behind activating it if battery is low or at startup? I love that there is a button to activate this feature, but if you don't select it Norton take it on themselves to activate it anyway
The locate command will be triggered if your battery gets low, or at times that are in the code. The techs do not deal too much with mobile issues, so they are probably not savvy about them. The forum users actually use the product so we can help better.
I guess my paranoia about privacy is stronger than my paranoia of my phone being stolen. If it can't be disabled, why did I have three different tech clowns tell me this shouldn't be happening automatically. Maybe they just don't know the product, I don't know.
And if your phone is stolen? If you could disable the feature, you would not be able to try and locate it.
I found no way to disable this feature.
I've never lost my phone in my life. What if I don't want this feature? Spent an hour with tech support telling me this shouldn't happen, reinstall, change settings, etc. Keeps happening. Privacy?