I’ve been using Norton Family to manage my daughters Android device for a few months, and generally been pleased with it.
However, my Norton Subscription expired, so the device stopped reporting activity
I’ve renewed my Norton 360 Subscription, but the device failed to kick back into life. I uninstalled it, reinstalled the app and added my daughter back into my parent profile.
It continued to fail to report any activity. After the 3rd reinstall, I can finally see its ‘online’. However, I cannot locate the device
When I go to location to locate the device, it tells me Location Supervsion is turned off. I click on the setting wheel, and I get the error:
Xxxxx is not associated with any location supervision supported device. This feature is not available on Windows.
My daughters device is an ANDROID A53!
On top of this, I went to lock her device, and it fails to lock?! I have a notification that my daughter turned of the accessibility feature, but that’s not true, it’s currently active on her device for Norton Family.
At the same time. The basic settings locked my daughters device at 7pm based on the default settings. She requested a 2 hour extension, which I received the request on my phone, and I APPROVED. Yet her phone remained locked and her request was still PENDING.
What on earth has happened to Norton Family on Android?!
All settings are correctly set and on as per the instructions. Location permissions are set to ALWAYS allow.
I will monitor for the update to, but they are both Android devices downloading from the Google Play store, so not sure why it wouldn't already be available, seeing as its already available for my Android device?
When you release an update, do you have to specify which devices in a phased rollout?
We have rolled out release and it should be available in all devices in a few days.
Please note, online indicator will be shown if the kid's device is actively used and will be shown offline otherwise. The device can be located even during offline. Please ensure all location permissions are enabled as given in this link.
For the time settings, have sent you a private message. Could you please check and reply.
Hi. I have updated the version of Norton Family on my device to, but the version on my daughters Android device (A53) is 7.5.0 5. Why? All settings are in place on my daughters device, but the device still cannot be located. Most of the time it is showing on my device that my daughters device if offline. At the moment it shows as On-line. But still cannot be located. Also, the time settings do not work, it's supposed to be locked until 8am, yet she can use it before that time.
Thanks for reaching out to Norton Family Forum. We are extremely sorry the trouble you have experienced !.
For the issues related to location, we identified an issue in recent release and have provided a fix in the latest release ( Please update the app to this version.
For issues related to Accessibility, we find that accessibility has been turned off in the child device. please check the same by visiting the permissions page in the App.
Please follow the link https://support.norton.com/sp/en/us/home/current/solutions/v119047655 to ensure all basic things are setup for the app to work correctly.