Locking my Child's PC with the administrator password after daily time limit has expired



  I have the program installed on my son's computer, however, I wish to set up the locking feature so that the he must enter the administrator password to unlock it.  As it is right now, it simply locks the computer but he can immediately click on unlock and go back to what he was doing.  Does someone know if this is possible and how to do it?  Thanks.  



   Well, thanks for the insight, however, I found another work around.  I used task manager to automatically shut my son's pc down 5 minutes after his curfew time, so everything is good to go.  Thanks for the help, though.  



  I have the program installed on my son's computer, however, I wish to set up the locking feature so that the he must enter the administrator password to unlock it.  As it is right now, it simply locks the computer but he can immediately click on unlock and go back to what he was doing.  Does someone know if this is possible and how to do it?  Thanks.