Norton 360 v5.1.0.29
Identity Safe for auto fill log-in will not work on "drop down" boxs or forms. If the log-in is embedded in the home web page, auto fill works fine. However, if a drop down box or form appears and asks for a log-in and passwrod, Identity Safe auto fill will not work. That is, it will not fill in the user name box nor the passwrod box.
Is there a fix for this or is Identity Safe just not able to work on this type of web page log-in ?
Same issue with pages that have multiple boxes for filling in information such as one page that half the screen was for new users to put in information and the other half is for registered users to put their name/password. I mention this in case there are other boxes to put information other than the login boxes or drop downs in which case there is usually another page that is cleaner and works better to use to log into.
It would be interesting and probably helpful to know, as Viveksu said to know the web pages presenting the issue.
Take care,
Norton 360 v5.1.0.29
Identity Safe for auto fill log-in will not work on "drop down" boxs or forms. If the log-in is embedded in the home web page, auto fill works fine. However, if a drop down box or form appears and asks for a log-in and passwrod, Identity Safe auto fill will not work. That is, it will not fill in the user name box nor the passwrod box.
Is there a fix for this or is Identity Safe just not able to work on this type of web page log-in ?
Hi .. here are examples:
1) Drop down box will autofill when the page first presents itself. BUT .. I must choose the type of account I have.
When that happens, the autofill will disappear when I select my account type. When I select from "identity Safe" button,
it will fill in the blanks but the account type resets itself and I must manually type in the log-in.
2) Manually typing the log-in does not trigger Norton to save the log-in information.
1) Nothing happens ..
2) If I type in the loh-in .. I can get in but Norton does not ask to save the log-in.
3) I have this log-in stored in Norton
Same as above
Note: .. all my log-ins have the auto-fill box selected.
I trust this may help you, help me .. LOL
The half page log-ins as you mention, have not presented an issue to me.
These work fine, at least for the ones I visit.
Hi BadFrog,
URL 1:-
Identity Safe does store only 2 fields on login webpages they are username and password field, we do not save Account Type Information in Identity Safe or anyother fields in that matter. What I suggest here is you browse to "" and select the Account type first, the fields(Phone no and password) will be cleared automatically as you mentioned, then later click on "Identity Safe" ToolBar -> Click "Available Logins" and click on the Login which you have saved already.
URL 2:-
Thanks for your feeback.
But what I suggest you is, when I tried the same URL with NIS 2012 product which is currenlty in BETA I am able to save the login successfully for this website.
URL 3:-
When I tried to access this link "The Webapge cannot be found" message is displayed to me, can you please point out the login webpage.
Thank you fpr the help ...
The work aroound for is "good".
The other pages are not static [weird] .. and I only go there infrequent.
So I am marking the problem as fixed as the main deal was AT&
Thanks again for your help ..!
Thanks for your feedback.
I am hoping I have found a slight bit more information that will hopefully help eliminate a step or two.
One issue was that you had to pick the type of account you have and that would clear out the log-in fields on ATT.
I found that by changing the last letter in the URL you provided will show 3 different choices when you land on the page. - For ATT Uverse - For phone & Net
Any other letter lands on the usual 'Wireless' choice.
Hope it is of some small help.
Take care,
Hey .. WoW-Hooo .. !
Fantastic fix I may say ....
Thanking you so very much for the extra effort ... I am really appreciating that !
I have my second account with AT&T and as such, just picked the "L" and I can get to both U-Verse and POTS .
Life is GOOD .. !
Best regards .. Joe
DBL Kudo's ... LOL LOL ...
I put one here and above ...