Log in on Norton 360 on windows

I’ve recently purchased a version of norton 360 on my pc but when i download the application on my pc the log in button on it doesnt do anything, same thing for the ‘‘enter key’’. Nothing loads or pops up. What can i do?

Norton 360 v22.x or v24.x?
S Mode?

Norton™ 360 Standard is what it says mate

it also says near the left bottom corner: Account with unavailable underneath it

sounds like v28.x
can you click Settings > About > Program Version?
and you’ve restarted machine

are you Windows S Mode?

program version is 24.8.9372.870, i have restarted my computer and what is S mode?

I guess since the UI works you’re not Windows S Mode.
Windows 10 and Windows 11 in S mode FAQ

Did you register subscription with your Norton account?

yeah i did, it also says on the norton site that 0 out of 1 licenses are used so thats not the problem either. its just that i cant even type in my username or pass in the app

sounds like that is the problem
Norton account does not see your install?
and you’ve restarted machine?

i don’t reckon, how do i fix this?

purchased Norton from Norton direct or third party?

directly from norton

Can you see your License Key?


can you click where you see Account > Serial Number >
mouse hover Serial Number > Enter a Key

yeah but when i click on enter key nothing happens either

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and Details?

where do i find that?

next to Enter a Key

for me there is nothing next to it mate