One of my logins requires 3 fields to be filled in with the 3rd field being a random question.
Norton 360 logins used to work perfectly and only auto fill in the first 2 (quite clever to omit the random one).
Under NIS2009 it is filling in all 3 fields and transposing them:
Field 1 is auto filling to field 3, 2 to 1, and 3 to 2
I have deleted the login and answered yes to auto save next time with the same error occuring.
Bank Login:
Field 1 = username
Field 2 = password
Field 3 = random question
Norton 360v2 just filled in the username and password and puts the random question into the password field.
NIS2009 is putting the password into field 1, this can be confirmed by using the manage logins which clearly shows the password as the username and by 'showing the password' shows the random question answer.