Everyday people buy new PC and laptop and nowadays most of the machine purchased come with either Windows 8 or the newer Windows 8.1 OS. And some of them chosen to equip their new machines with Norton products, one of the top antivirus software in the market.
But unfortunately, we are seeing an increasing number of new forum users facing problem with their Norton products installed on the Windows 8.x machine.
The new Windows 8.x incoporate new technology that allow the machine itself to save some of its important data and drivers prior to a shutdown so that next time when a user start-up its machine, the machine boot into the start-screen faster.
You can see how fast a Windows 8 mahcine start-up here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y2Mjxp0UvGw
This new technology is known as the "quick start-up" feature.
You can read more about it here: http://www.eightforums.com/tutorials/6320-fast-startup-turn-off-windows-8-a.html
However, some users who installed Norton products on their Windows 8.x machine may found that their security software (Norton Internet Security/Norton 360) failed to respond to a manual/on-demand scan request.
Here are some examples that may describe the symptoms of this issues
a. You plugged in your friend's removable drive into your machine and as a good practices, you wish to scan the removable drive before opening. So you right click the removable drive icon in file explorer and select Norton Internet Security>Scan Now. You will then see the loading cycle but Norton software will not load neither scan the file.
b. It has been a long time since you perform the last quick/full scan by yourself, so Norton notify by saying: "attention required". You then open the Norton software and see a big red cross saying your machine require a quick scan to ensure safety. You click on fix now. But Norton ended up saying the issue is not fix. You try repeatedly but Norton will still failed to perform a scan.
c. Sometime for some reasons, you restarted your machine. After a restart, you found that your Norton products are working perfectly. It respons to your every manual/on-demand scan request.
So why Norton works only after a restart? This is because a restart does not affected by quick start-up. And when your machine restarted, all drivers are loaded completely and previous saved files are not used. In other word, everything is turn off and on again. Nonetheless, the next time you boot up your machine again, Windows created a new saved file and Norton will not respond again to your scan request till the next restart.
So, is that any work-around to save us the hassle of restarting the machines?
Yes, that's. If you have follow the link above about the quick start-up feature, you will have know how to turn it off. If not, here's the link again: http://www.eightforums.com/tutorials/6320-fast-startup-turn-off-windows-8-a.html
The reason why I need to post this new topic is because I'm seeing more and more people are facing this issue. And to save the time of all forum users from seeing the repetating thread revolving around the same issue or posting new thread, I thereby would like to suggest everyone who is having more or less the same issue, to refer to here. And if you are on those who are affecting by this issue, pls click the "me too" button and leave a comment about your computer manufacturer and its model.
That's all for now. Thanks.