My Norton 360 and utilities has just auto-updated, and I’ve lost the net booster and RAM defrag tools. If they are there, where are they? Any help would be appreciated.
but if my intel is good it is comming soon the ram recleamer possible next 2 major update ore next big update wise memory optimizer it is free if my intel is good it is comming in the next update ore soon they got 6 major bugs in the system and when they is fixing the system they also improving it ore they is stupid so the next major is possible bigger then normal the 24.3 ore the 25.1 depends how they updats ther system so there is possible 4-8 new thing in the updates depens on if it is a major ore big if big closer to 8 major more like 3-4 but that is still much new and expect the 24.4 also like 3-4 and then it is normal agian like max 2 thing the net booster is possible also comming but much late like q3-4 next year so it is comming and if my intel is good lates in the 24.5 this is to avg tuneup it is comming but the norton utilities and avg tuneup is running on the same code so it is 100% look a like the reasen ther is som delay is the 6 major bugs right now and the bugs is more importent that is why it is maybe first 2026 but it is meant to be 24.5 latest
Thanks for your reply, globus5000. Hopefully, both utilities will return in future updates.
My main problem now is to get the Anti Track utility to work.
On launch,it freezes with a blank white screen with the app window. I can only close it via shutting down the app in the taskbar menu.
Thanks, bjm.
It seems the the RAM Defrag and Net Booster utilities with reappear in future updates of Ultimate Utilities app.
My only problem now is to get the Anti Track utility to work.
On launch, it freezes with blank white window within the app.
from now on you has to make the new norton more like the old one the 25.1 is also not a nice like the 24.1 there is new thing in it the produckt is getting new thing from now on
the 24.4 is possible comming 3 mount new update 5-6 mount 24.5 and the last in
ca 11 mount the 25.1 and all in the 24 serie is going to be big updates so all is going to be nice just wait and expect the 24.4 the be big major like 3-4 new thing and lots of bugfix also in the 24.5 that is what the 24.5 allso i build to do the reasen the 24 serie is so big is the 24,1 update whas so small so the other updates is bigger
the 24.3 is comming in parts the first part is out now plus a update to fix the auto update to the next big update is comming and that update also has the many bugfix and som new thing like the alredy clean possible the ram recleamer the on demand booster and many other thing they has many thing to add to make it a good update i just now the alredy clean is comming and the ram recleamer also that is the most likly thing there is comming but expect more and when the 24.3 is that big expect it when it is don to now aboute 8-10 new thing and then there also is the 24.4 and dont remember the next 25.1 there is comming and there is maybe comming a 24.5 but that is only maybe dont expect it becurse i think the 24.4 is comming and then the 25.1 is comming and no 24.5 but now whee see it much depend on when the 24.4 is comming and all aboute that and if they has time to make the 24.5 ore if they has somthing ready to the 24.5
hvis mine info i de næste opdateringer er rigtig så kommer der meget ny og hvis det du mangler er sandt kan det kommer i undskyldnings patch på 5 ting hvis de gør det men jeg arbejder ikke for norton men der er meget stor chance for det eller måske i en senere opdatering men det lyder til at det sker men jeg vil ikke garentere noget men jeg har meget indflydelse ved norton lige nu så glæd jer