Mac Browser - Safari - Firefox - Chrome - Security

i hope you have a nice Day, a wanna ask you about the Firefox Quantum 57.00 and Chrome latest Version.

I have phoned with the Apple Support about the new Future Adblocking of Safari, we both came after

Call to the End, that the Safari Adblocker not so good is.

We also talked about Security:

Firefox use an seperat Keysystem and also Zertifcatssystem. The Support was also my meaning that Firefox is better in fthat possion.

as google Chrome. Chrome use in that Possition the hole Apple Zertifactssystem together with Keysystem.

Do you think also, that Firefox is better.

In that Blog:

i read about it, i Think that she say it only, Safari has also an Adblocker. And in that work the UserAgent from Safari has than an Bug.

-- Chrome Adblocker -- Safari Adblocker /UserAgent / -- Safari Adblocker.

I would prefer:


What do think?

Both have an Extension uBlock origin

The Firewall from NS Mac is Top 1a

