Mail merge from Word into MS Outlook

Having problems using mail merge from word and sending emails. Having completed the Word process and attempting to send emails - norton 360 throws up an error saying that communcation interrupted and cannot send. Not sure why this is - very frustrating, but have no idea as to what settings to check for, whether it is a common error, or how to fix!!

Any help welcome - it does seem to put emails in the Sent box - but Norton 360 advises me to re-send all emails! WHat a pain!!


Having problems using mail merge from word and sending emails. Having completed the Word process and attempting to send emails - norton 360 throws up an error saying that communcation interrupted and cannot send. Not sure why this is - very frustrating, but have no idea as to what settings to check for, whether it is a common error, or how to fix!!

Any help welcome - it does seem to put emails in the Sent box - but Norton 360 advises me to re-send all emails! WHat a pain!!




You are running IE9 but not in compatibility mode. Please switch so we can see your message. Click on the torn page icon at the top of the screen


I have the same problem.  If I try to send to more than 10 or 11 addresses.  It will send to the first 10 or 11 and not the balance.  So I end up making multiple mail merges and it works fine.

I am running Outlook 2007, Office Word 2007, and Vista.



Do I smell 'spam'

I suspect that your ISP has a filter that is operating on your multi addressed messages. The place where I work also filters out messages that have too many addresses in the CC area. They do offer an 'everyone' address if you have the necessary permissions to send messages to every one.

I do not see any real alternate to the problem. If you are limited to 'x' addresses then you're stuck there. Have you tried to work around the limitation by using the BCC feature? That will send copies to each addressee without listing/revealing any of the other addressees. Might be worth a try. Use yourself as the 'to' addressee so you know that the message was sent.

Hope this helps



Outlook 2010 - ditto Word

Norton 360 - ersion


Hope you can see this

oh yeah and Windows 7! Sorry forgot that bit!!


MS_User wrote:

Having problems using mail merge from word and sending emails. Having completed the Word process and attempting to send emails - norton 360 throws up an error saying that communcation interrupted and cannot send. Not sure why this is - very frustrating, but have no idea as to what settings to check for, whether it is a common error, or how to fix!!

Any help welcome - it does seem to put emails in the Sent box - but Norton 360 advises me to re-send all emails! WHat a pain!!


It sounds very much like your ISP is filtering your messages. Check with them about the number of addressees you can have on a single message before they classify it as spam. Until you get that answer you might try putting all of the addresses in the BCC box. This will send a copy to each without listing the addresses of any of the others on the list.

Hope this helps. Be sure to let us know




Each email has only one recipient as each email has unique information contained within. There are no entries in BCC. However there are a number of emails being generated at any one time. Up to now the maximum number has been around 20, but with a wider audience of 300 - I do not want to send these individually!!


So to recap, there is one email per addressee (TO:), with a Subject Line added. I do not think it is down to number of addresses in one email.


Over to you! Many thanks

MS_User wrote:



Each email has only one recipient as each email has unique information contained within. There are no entries in BCC. However there are a number of emails being generated at any one time. Up to now the maximum number has been around 20, but with a wider audience of 300 - I do not want to send these individually!!


So to recap, there is one email per addressee (TO:), with a Subject Line added. I do not think it is down to number of addresses in one email.


Over to you! Many thanks

I suspect that your ISP thinks you are generating 'spam'. Using a merge and mail sequence you can push them all out in just a few minutes.

If you can't talk to their support and get a workaround you may have to drop back and punt. Change the way you do your thing so that your ISP doesn't get upset, change your mail program to something that can pace at a slower rate, or maybe a better idea suggested by someone else here