Major Issues - No response? It's goodbye then! And I'm so sorry!

Hello, and firstly let me say how easy Norton 360 was to use. Too easy as it transpires!


Now about the 19th of this month ( December - 2012 ) I noticed a small red cross on the Norton Icon on the task Bar.

How long it had been there I couldn't say!




I opened the program to be confronted with a message that I was at risk and I should press the FIX button. I did repeatedly, to no avail. I went in as Admin and reset all the options manually turning the antivirus ON:

... They reset themselves, to the, off; position?


I searched the Web and found your forums! Seems I wasn't alone. A lot of people had reported the same issue.



Here is an example of just one! There are very, very many!


> I first noticed a small red cross on my tool bar today. Norton 360 reports I’m at risk. Antivirus,

> Auto-protect,

> SONAR Protection are all OFF!

> I tried running ‘FIX’, but it fails to do anything.

> On the support page I download the NIS removal tool, but it would not download the correct install files.

> Told me to do it manually. System took me back to the automatic removal tool page?


> UK resident: Subscription renewed in 250 days. Date and time correct.


Apart from the last part my condition was EXACTLY the same! ... My subscription was shorter at 43 days.


I went through the solutions proposed.


Computer Windows XP (sp3)


My Date and time are correct : 


The remedy proposed by members in the forum *AND* the 'robot' in charge, was that I uninstall and reinstall.


I'm sorry, but this really isn't good enough! I've paid £50:00 for this program! It's not some cheap freebee program off the web. It's Symantec for heavens sake! Advising a complete reinstall simply isn't good enough!


... But seeing nothing else for it: I downloaded the Removal Tool, and Ran it as the Admin!


It gagged, saying it couldn't download the Installation files, and that I should do it manually. Here's the link. And guess what?

... It sent me right back to the automatic 'Removal-Tool' page.


By now I was becoming less happy by the second. I sent in a request for some in the form of email assistance. Nothing came back? And after two days I gave up.


I bit the bullet : Searched the web and found something called 'Bit-Defender!'


Using the UNINSTALL option in Norton 360 : I managed to finally uninstall the program. Running 'bit-defender' was a pain, and I don't recommend that program to anyone *at* *all*, but what it told me! Was that, I had two months of Critical Window Install, and updates files; that needed down loading and installing.


Two Hours later I'm finally protected again. Running 'Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware showed nothing other than a few tracking cookies. So we can assume that I wasn't subject to a Viral Attack! We can also assume further, that the problem I had was as a direct response to the November Update.


... The one your so proud about, the one, that incorporates Windows 8!


Now here's just a suggestion for your programmer, but being as I was an administrator, and I couldn't change the settings? Then the assumption would be was that another user was installed on my computer, during that update : With system wide 'Admin-Privileges', but higher than mine?


The proposed concept of deleting the install and reinstalling ... Wiped out that system user!


I've moved on with 40 days of my subscription outstanding. Symantec : You are supposed to be the BEST! ... I've seen NOTHING over this Christmas period, that would suggest that the best has been shown here!

... I liked the simplicity of Norton 360, but I've been forced to accept that AVG, as a distant second best; is my only alternative antivirus tool.


Thank-you for reading this post, and goodbye!


P.S.. If you have any HONEST updates as to what really happened with that update, then I'd really like to hear them!

... If all your do, is come out with platitudes, then its going to be goodbye forever!


This post has been placed here to show other users that they are *NOT* alone!

Sorry to hear of your saga.


You have mentioned Bit Defender, and AVG in your post. Did you have either of these, or any other security software installed at the same time you had 360 installed? It is recommeded by all security software companies that you only install one program with real time scanners. at a time. This could have been causing a conflict with your 360 installation, giving you the problems you noted.


Whatever you decide to keep on your system, be sure to fully remove all others using the removal utility for that company. Here is a page with a list of removal utilities.


If you wish to stay with 360, we can help you get it reinstalled correctly.






<< The remedy proposed by members in the forum *AND* the 'robot' in charge, was that I uninstall and reinstall.


I'm sorry, but this really isn't good enough! I've paid £50:00 for this program! It's not some cheap freebee program off the web. It's Symantec for heavens sake! Advising a complete reinstall simply isn't good enough! >>


I'm sure we could help you get your system sorted out if you would let us but we need your help and refusing to consider reinstalling a program that may have been corrupted in a number of ways including while installing will rule out one of the most common causes of the red X which is why it is suggested.


There really is nothing unreasonable in suggesting reinstalling when running into a problem -- even Microsoft suggest it for Windows itself <s>


<< ...  Running 'bit-defender' was a pain, and I don't recommend that program to anyone *at* *all*, but what it told me! Was that, I had two months of Critical Window Install, and updates files; that needed down loading and installing. >>


I'm not sure why you think that a Norton product should have anything to do with keeping your Windows installation uptodate. This is between Windows Update and, depending on how you have the options set, you the user. And since BitDefender is supposed to be an AntiVirus program I'm not sure how it would tell you that Windows Updates are missing ... and I've checked their website and the various versions they have none of which refer to this as a feature.


Windows Updates has settings ranging from fully automatic downloading and installing whenever new updates are released by Microsoft through Download and then ask me if I want to install, tell me that Updates are available and do I want to download and install to Never download or uninstall.




How is yours set?


So do you want help ?

You said.


> Sorry to hear of your saga.


> You have mentioned Bit Defender, and AVG in your post. Did you have either of these, or any other security software

> installed at the same time you had 360 installed? It is recommeded by all security software companies that you only

> install one program with real time scanners. at a time.


> This could have been causing a conflict with your 360 installation,

duh!? Obvious!!!!


> giving you the problems you noted.


> Whatever you decide to keep on your system, be sure to fully remove all others using the removal utility for that company.

> Here is a page with a list of removal utilities.


> If you wish to stay with 360, we can help you get it reinstalled correctly.


Firstly thankyou for that page of links. very usful that will be.


Secondly : If you took time to read the chain of events, you'd see that at no time did I have several antivirus programmes running at te same time on my computer.


Not a solution.


It seems to me that u know best. Your assumptions are invalid and clear that u do not understand the differences between the various mentioned AV products. I won't be contributing further to this thread because you don't need my help.


I'm sorry, but this really isn't good enough! I've paid £50:00 for this program! It's not some cheap freebee program off the web. It's Symantec for heavens sake! Advising a complete reinstall simply isn't good enough! >>


I'm sure we could help you get your system sorted out if you would let us but we need your help and refusing to consider reinstalling a program that may have been corrupted in a number of ways including while installing will rule out one of the most common causes of the red X which is why it is suggested.


If you read the post correctly, you'd see that I did indeed attempt it! (It failed)

... And I also asked for help! ... None was forth coming! ....


There really is nothing unreasonable in suggesting reinstalling when running into a problem -- even Microsoft suggest it for Windows itself <s>


As a last resort, when all else fails, but its an admission that you have no solution to a problem.

... And I've noticed that several people have had this issue come back!


<< ...  Running 'bit-defender' was a pain, and I don't recommend that program to anyone *at* *all*, but what it told me! Was that, I had two months of Critical Window Install, and updates files; that needed down loading and installing. >>


I'm not sure why you think that a Norton product should have anything to do with keeping your Windows installation update.


I've seen AVG (free version) do this in the past! ... I don't know why it happens, but it does!


This is between Windows Update and, depending on how you have the options set, you the user. And since BitDefender is supposed to be an AntiVirus program I'm not sure how it would tell you that Windows Updates are missing ... and I've checked their website and the various versions they have none of which refer to this as a feature.


Thank you for the pretty picture. My settings are exactly the same as the one you supplied.


Neither of your post's addressed the situation I found myself in. Namely.






I feel this entire situation has come about because of your untested updates, its a pity really because I quite like the simplicity of Norton, but on reflection perhaps it was too simple. I'll stay with AVG (free version) for the foreseeable future. Their support is rubbish, but you get, what you pay for.


Not a Solution.


You may close this post if you wish. The object of it, was to draw attention to the fact that there was a major problem with Norton that was completely glossed over. Also to highlight, and bring to your attention the lack of email support I received.

I'll get none from AVG, but I didn't pay them £50:00p


Goodbye Gentlemen.


Hello Jessica,


If you are having an issue with uninstalling components, might I recommend Revo Uninstaller?  Please access the following link for more on that.;1#editorsreview 


You state, “Running 'Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware showed nothing other than a few tracking cookies. So we can assume that I wasn't subject to a Viral Attack!”


I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but, MBAM will only detect some viruses and is primarily for detection of spyware/adware.  Just because it comes back “clean” means absolutely nothing - - as was the case in my recent thread documenting Trojan.FlashBlast.  In scope of this, your computer may still be infected and it has absolutely nothing to do with Norton.  As a matter of fact, in all my years of running Malwarebytes’ it has never detected tracking cookies.  Whereas Superantispyware will highlight them.  I don’t mean to sound rude, but are you positive you know what you are talking about? 


In totality, I hate to see you leave Norton/Symantec as their products are still light years ahead of the competition.