Alright, I may be totally screwed and SOL here, but this is my series of problems:
I have a new 320 gig hdd that I wanted to transfer all of my files and settings to, from my old 160 gig. So, bought this wonderful ghost program after hearing that it's great and idiot proof. Fire it up, and it doesn't recognize that I have more than one HDD installed. I figure ok, I need to format and label the new drive. So I format it and label it E: , Norton now see's it, and off we go, I copy everything over, MBR, etc as I want this to be my new boot drive, then restart it as it prompted me to.
I checked, everything looked good after the reboot, took out the old drive, put the new one in hdd bay 1 on the laptop, and... won't boot, and can't be repaired with my vista disc. I put the orginal disc into bay 1, and much to my horror, also can't boot. I put the new one back into bay 2, and now it will boot, but only with the original in bay 1, and the new in bay 2.
After some reading, I learn that I should have updated ghost (I didn't have internet at the time I was doing this), and taken out the new hdd after copying. Too late for all that. I then think, ok, well I'll just restore using windows restore (ran it before installing ghost). I can't do that either, because windows thinks it's being run from E:, and restore won't let me restore C:, and E: doesn't have a restore point.
Am I screwed, should I nuke them both and despair for having bought this program instead of using freeware, or is there hope?
Thanks for any help you can provide,