Make sure the destination drive and device is conntected and try again

I have ongoing problem with the Premier Editions Backup Service to a remote server (Norton's server). I've managed to backup majority of my document before the problem started to occur. When I try and run the backup set which contains all my family photos (10gb) it runs for short while, doing some 160mb or so.. then stops and reports there is no connection to the server or backup drive and that I should connect it again.. even if it's the remote drive hosted by Norton.

I've tried everything from deleting the old backup sets and files, to splitting up in smaller chunks. Nothing helps and it never manages to complete. I've tried running it again and again, always stops after roughtly the same amount of time. Always the same error:


"There is a backup problem. Make sure the destination drive and device is conntected and try again"


(This is backup set no3, the other 4 backup sets compeletes without any problems before it and after it in the list.)


- I've checked that it's not my own drive going into sleep mode. It's not.


- Nothing wrong with my internet connection either, I'm actually using the net at the same time as the backup is running and it doesn't seem to cut off or lose it's connection.


- The files are normal jpg's, the largest being jsut below 2mb, but majority around 500-700kb.


- Older backup sets complete each time when I run them. It's just any new backup set that won't work.


- There is no memory issues or performace problems. The PC is a top of the line workstation with very large amount of memory and quad core processor.


This means that the service I've paid for is actually useless, it can't backup what I'm asking it to backup. I'm very disappointed to see there is actually no way to contact Norton Support other than the forum. But keeping my hope up that someone will respond here.

Hi demonmedia.


Welcome to the forum.


I do not use the online backup myself and so will not comment on the technicalities but it does seem that you need a fix, and that in this case it may come better from Norton staff than this forum.  The good news is there is a free way to contact Norton Support.  You might like to try their Live Chat link at:


Then scroll down to Live Chat and hit the Chat Now button.


Hopefully they can solve your problem.  If not please come back and let someone else try.


Good luck.


P.S.  Have just discovered that the Norton Chat link seems to have a temporary fault.  So if it does not work for you you may like to leave it for an hour or so.  I understand that Norton have been advised.

Hello again demonmedia.


For some reason that link is still not working so you may like to try:


instead.   Good luck.


Thanks for the tip. I didn't see that option myself. Sad that not a single person from Norton can be bothered to respond.

It's not that they can't be bothered. It's that employees only tend to stay in the same position--like a front-line customer support  representative--for a few years, while we forum volunteers can hang around here forever and may have used Norton products for even longer :smileyvery-happy:


Consequently, when folks like us--who are fellow users like you--seem to have a thread under control, the employees will generally just stay out of our way!


If we screwed up, though, they'd be here in a heartbeat to make sure you got the straight scoop (as you'll see on some of the other threads, if you look around some!)