making nortan ghost SRD bootable from usb hard drive

 I followed these instructions from another user to make my usb hard drive able to boot the nortan ghost srd. when i look in windows it acts as though the disk image is mounted but when i boot windows through usb it gives me a disk read error. others have gotten it to work fine. any suggestions?


Searching Google for my "problem" I found this solution to install Windows Vista from a startup USB disk.

Since boot manager of Symantec Recovery Disc is like a Windows Vista CD/DVD I tried this approach with a little changes... and it works!


To create a USB startup disk with SRD follow this steps in a Windows Vista computer:


1. Open a Command Line window (run CMD.EXE) and then execute:


  • diskpart
  • list disk (to find your USB disk number)
  • select disk [number of your USB disk]
  • clean
  • create partition primary
  • select partition 1
  • active
  • format fs=ntfs
  • assign
  • exit

2. xcopy [your CD letter with SRD disk]:\*.* /s/e/f [your USB disk letter]:\

After this your USB disk will be bootable and you can use it to:

- recover any previous saved data on this USB disk

- save your recover data from Norton Ghost (using Ghost installed on your system) on any folder you create on it


I hope you appreciate this!