Malwarebytes detected Eset Event Log Viewer as Trojan.Agent.CK
is it false positive ?
Malwarebytes detected Eset Event Log Viewer as Trojan.Agent.CK
is it false positive ?
You have already asked this question, and been ansered. Why are you posting the same thing again? As well as on other forums?
hi sorry for double posting
yes i used eset before , however i uninstalled it long time ago probably 6 months ago or so
currently my system only has norton internet security 2011 installed.
so i guess i just ignore the thing?
Eset apparently did not remove cleanly. You should probably check on their forum for a removal tool, and clean the Eset files out. Most of the better products require a removal tool.
If Eset didn't uninstall cleanly, perhaps it interfered with the proper install of NIS 2011.. That may have to be reinstalled.
Heer's a link to waht ESET say about removing but it's in the context of reinstalling
ESET | |
but if you scroll down past the download instructions you will see that they say to use Uninstall and then look for some listed folders and files and if not removed by the Windows Unisntaller just to delete them manually..
Usually a good idea to restart after that before you reinstall.
So if after doing that manual clean up you still have some problems with Norton you might be advised to remove Norton, clean up with the Norton too and reinstall your Norton clean but I suggest you deal with that when you have to.
However, if Norton did not flag the file I'm not sure why you ask here about a false positive from Malwarebytes? Just don't run MWB unless you have a need to?
Hi Hugh,
Good job. I had just looked that up and started to post it but you had already done so.
no norton did not detect any virus with the file
only malwarebytes detected the file was infected with
Upload the file to VirusTotal.
If no other scanners detect it as malware, it should be safe and a fp.
Malwarebytes detected Eset Event Log Viewer as Trojan.Agent.CK
is it false positive ?
I have a Desktop shortcut to the
Uninstallers (removal tools) for common antivirus software
and what's good is that they do update it -- it says August 15, 2011 ....
Some are straight to tool downloads and some are to articles so I'm careful when I check a link <g>
Hi timboyboy
As the others have all given you sound advice regarding your concern ...the fact that you say only MalwareBytes "flags " the warning that is concerning you ...It is highly likely that this really could be a "false positive "!
Because all scanning engines vary in their scanning techniques will see varied results between the result logs in say MBAM and SuperAntispyware etc : This is a source of concern for many users ....but you will find that many "FP's " still can confuse users !
If you carry on using MalwareBytes's a little tip to save you any undue worry if ever this following result crops up within a scan log ! If you ever see..................
HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\scrfile\shell\open\command\ (Broken.OpenCommand) -> Bad: ("%1" %*) Good: ("%1" /S) -> Quarantined and deleted successfully.
then you can rest easy ...this is a very common "False Positive " that can be flagged in MalwareBytes is actually a part of the Windows install process ..and under certain circumstances it can reappear after a previous scan by MBAM has shown no errors ...I once did a simple repair of the Master Boot record and some other "tidying up " ...and after the repair..the next scan with MBAM threw up the " Broken.OpenCommand " error .
Just a tip to save any fears you may have if you do encounter this particular message after a scan !