Managing Backup Sets Norton 360 V5



        Intel Core i7-2600 CPU @ 3.40GHz, 12 GB Ram

        External USB Drive:  WD MyBook Essential 1110 USB Device, 1TB



        Win 7, 64 Bit

        Norton 360, v5.2.2.3


    Backup Source:

        Internal Drive, 1TB, 403 GB Used



Backup target (External USB Drive) became full after about six months of backups

Formatted target

Set up new backup process

First backup took 13.4 GB

Second backup took, 706 GB

Third backup took, 11.3 CB


Backups will not complete because of lack of disk space.



How can a backup take more space (706 GB) than the data being backed up (403 GB)?


Why doesn't the software manage the incremental back up sets?


Why doesn't the software automatically, after a number of incremental backups, replace the
full backup, delete the incrementals, and start the incremental backups again?


What settings are needed so that I don't have to manually manage the backups every month?



I have read numerous posts on the board on the issue of Backup and Incremental Backup Management,
it appears that it is a large problem. The average user just wants it to run successfully without much
intervention, that is: make the back up, make the incremental back up, and at some point reset the baseline
with a full backup replacing the previous full backup, is that so difficult?