I run Ghost 15 in windows XP, I frequently used file and folder backups for my song, movie and games, the purpose of this backup is to store it into external HDD, I never do "copy or cut" task from windows directly, I prefer using ghost that perform "bit-by-bit-copy" that feature by norton ghost.
The backup job was done, and those files successfully stored in my external HDD. So basically I just delete those files in my computer.
Problem is Norton ghost stored those raw data in hardisk (automatically stored in "File Backup Data" folder), when I perfromed deletion through "recover my files-> search -> select all -> delete", all those file seem to be recover/ moved to temp folder in my C drive. It made my drive C full and take times on deletion. any workaround could solve this issue? I just want to delete it from my computer since the data had been backup.
Any help, please