Mark As Solution Link Missing from Older Threads

Just another observation that I'd like to bring to the attention of the Norton mods:

I'm the OP of the thread HTML Error When Font Size, Text Colour or Font Family Changed that I started on 01-Aug-2014 the old Lithium forum.  I wanted to mark it as solved so that users aren't confused about which forum I was referring to, but I can't see a Mark as Solved link on any of the replies in that thread when I'm logged into the new forum.  Again, I'll keep an eye on this during the transition period to the new forum and will post back if I notice a change.


P.S. - Kudos to peterweb for using the "correct" spelling of colour. I'm guessing the current spell checker doesn't speak with a British (or Canadian) accent.

P.P.S. - Thanks also to "Yolanda" for the promotion to the rank of Trusted Advisor, even if it's temporary.  I noticed my posts in the forum are being approved much faster today now that I'm no longer a Newbie.