Memory Usage

I upgraded to Norton Internet Security a few weeks ago.  I started getting notification from Norton that Internet Explorer was using too much memory.  I called and was given a ticket #.  I am now get messages that Symantec program ccsvhst.exe is using high memory.  How do I resolve this, I was told to call Microsoft, they hung up twice after putting me through to a contact person who was supposed to help with this problem.  I never spoke to the contact.  Out of 512Mb of physical memory it is common for me to have 200MB of physical memory when I log on.  Presently with Outlook Express and a couple of Norton pages open I am at 74.15Mb of physical memory.  When I have the problem with Internet Explorer I use anywhere from 81 to 160MB of physical memory just to open an article of news.   When I was informed about the Symantec program it used 64MB of physical memory to perform its' task.  Help please!