Message: "Connection Error: Secure VPN has experienced a connection failure. Please try again later."

I have browsed all the other similar problems reported and tried the solutions. Some work until I re boot, other have no effect. It is getting annoying now. Can a permanent solution be found

I have given up now. I have tried on numerous occasions to chat with technical about this, and on the times Chat actually opened and connected, the bot gives me a ticket number each time, It can't ID the previous one. I then sit waiting, the app showing I am First in the queue, but that's as far as I get. I have waited 3 hours several times and given up. The first time, it timed out and logged me out so the next times I sent a 'waiting' message to keep it active every 10 minutes or so.

I have just switched to NORD VPN. Very quick to download, simple to set up and was fully active within minutes.

I already use a specific country. Stopped using Auto a long while back

I was having the connection issue until I changed the VPN from Auto selecting a region to selecting a specific country. Click on the down arrow beside Turn On for the VPN feature. Then click VPN region and choose an appropriate region for you. Then test to see if you get connected.



did all those and no change.
When I get a chance tomorrow I will remove and reinstall Norton 360 Premium.

I'll light a candle and rub my prayer beads sending positive energy.  
~ following along with greater interest. 

did all those and no change.

When I get a chance tomorrow I will remove and reinstall Norton 360 Premium.

Did all that and also everything again as in the link you quoted. Maybe it is time to remove and reinstall Norton 360

Did you run Norton Diagnostic Report? 
Did you run Smart Scan...just to see?
Did you run Help -> Get Support....just to see? 
~ following along with great interest. 

Did all that and also everything again as in the link you quoted.
Maybe it is time to remove and reinstall Norton 360

Maybe, tried Wired ...just to see?

Maybe, try Google Public DNS. 

  1. On Windows 10, right-click the Start button and select Network Connections
  2. Click Change adapter options
  3. Right-click your Internet connection and select Properties
  4. Double-click Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)
  5. Select Use the following DNS server addresses
  6. Set Preferred DNS server to
  7. Set Alternate DNS server to
  8. Click OK
  9. Try to connect with Norton Secure VPN

FIX: Norton Secure VPN stopped working (7 solutions)
4 Change your DNS settings 
6 Reinstall the WAN Miniport drivers
....helped my "Connection Error" 


Norton 360 secure VPN integrated
ISP DNS server
Fast start is off.
Windows 11
Updated Norton 360 yesterday to the latest

Re installed WAN drivers
Reset netsh winsock
Reset int ipv4
Reset int ipv6
Ran certim.msc and Surfeasy is installed with a long expiry date
Changed WiFi to mobile date hotspot and back.

Problem doesn’t go away

For Norton technical issues please include details for faster assistance from our forum Gurus and contributors:

  • This is a public community. Please DO NOT post any Personally Identifiable Information (PII) such as your email address, product key or phone number
  • Norton product or service name and version
  • Operating system - version / build 
  • Norton error message / error code / screen shot
  • Steps to reproduce issue

Norton Secure VPN stand-alone or Norton 360 Secure VPN integrated? 
ISP DNS server or Public DNS server?
Wired? Wireless?
W10/11 Fast Startup Off?
Please explain "fixes" you've tried.