Message from symantec stating e-mails have been deleted

hi.  I'm new to this, so i hope I'm posting this in the right palce.


I have recently updated to Internet Security 2012, and, sinc then, all mty e-mails are being interscepted and deleted, and all I get is the following message


"Symantec Email Proxy deleted the following email message":


Followed by a summary of the sender's e-mails details and the e-mail title.


i am losing e-mails from friends as well as confirmation e-mails for purchases and bills paid on-line.


I have not changed any settings within norton since upgrading, and cannot find anyhing that would be causing this to happen.  It is also happening on my husband's e-mail account

I was using Internet Security 2011, and I use windows mail as my e-mail provider, and my husband uses windows live mail

How often do you have it set to check for new mail? 


If you open NIS>go to settings>network settings>email and configure do you see an option for client integration for Windows Live Mail?  I'm not sure if Windows Live Mail or Windows Mail are supported by 2012.  I'm still on 2011 at work.


I'll get you to check in the network settings>smart firewall>program control>configure.  Check to see that the email clients are allowed through the firewall.  You can click add and then navigate to the .exe for WLM and click allow.

I'm using WIndows Live Mail in WIndows 7 32 and NIS 2012 and all seems OK although I send much less email than I get if the problem is in one direction.


Isn't there a setting either in NIS or in Internet Options about using or not using proxies?


It's on Internet Security / Internet Options / Connections / LAN Settings and in WIndows Live Mail you can reach the same setting location if you click on the tiny down arrow where my mouse pointer is in the top left corner of the image below and selecting Options





This will bring up the smaller screen and Connections  / Change will take you to where the LAN button is which takes you to the next small screen where you can select to use or not use a proxy.


Haven't we had some report of something changing this .... ?

Windows Mail is supported by 2012, but no windows live mail.


i have configured the smart firewall to always allow window mail and windows live mail, but continue to have my messages deleted - including notifications of posts to this forum!!!


not sure what else to try - could it be the stateful protocol filter in the smart firewall??


i'll admit that I don't fully understand all the settings within norton, so don't want to change too much incase it causes more problems.....

So far all I could find on this was a series of incidents where the Symantec Email Proxy message was triggered in 2003 by shortening the period between checks for new email, and a large number of failure to send emails on the corporate forums due to minor infections.  Your plan looks more hopeful, frankly. :smileywink:



It won't be in the advanced firewall settings.  There is a setting in miscellaneous settings for proxy configuration.  Check to make sure that those settings are unchecked. 

i don't know if it's just late, or if i really m that stupid, but i don't understand where i need to be looking....


I've looked under general settings with NIS 2012, but cannot find a micellaneous seting for proxy configuration.


I'm also not sure about whether i should be using a proxy within the LAN settings.  the box was unchecked, so  have checked it (both in mail and live mail), but it doesn't seem to make any difference


honey146 wrote:


Windows Mail is supported by 2012, but no windows live mail.


[ ... ]




Microsoft as usual is confusing and have a habit of changing names for the same product or changing products for the same name ....


In WIndows 7 Windows Live Mail is the current version and it is definitely supported by Norton 2011 and 2012 since I'm using it every day.


However VISTA used WIndows Mail ...


<<  Working with Windows Mail in Windows Vista  


In Windows Vista, Windows Mail has the tools you need to exchange e‑mail with colleagues and friends, or join newsgroups to trade ideas and information.


For information about e‑mail in Windows 7, including how to get Windows Live Mail, go to the E‑mail feature page on the Windows website.   >>

Are you using VISTA or Windows 7?


Others will have to help you about using proxy but my understanding is that you should not enable it and if it was not enabled the to disable it unless you know it is required for some reason, like your workplace ....

hi.  I'm new to this, so i hope I'm posting this in the right palce.


I have recently updated to Internet Security 2012, and, sinc then, all mty e-mails are being interscepted and deleted, and all I get is the following message


"Symantec Email Proxy deleted the following email message":


Followed by a summary of the sender's e-mails details and the e-mail title.


i am losing e-mails from friends as well as confirmation e-mails for purchases and bills paid on-line.


I have not changed any settings within norton since upgrading, and cannot find anyhing that would be causing this to happen.  It is also happening on my husband's e-mail account

honey146 wrote:

i don't know if it's just late, or if i really m that stupid, but i don't understand where i need to be looking....


I've looked under general settings with NIS 2012, but cannot find a micellaneous seting for proxy configuration.


I'm also not sure about whether i should be using a proxy within the LAN settings.  the box was unchecked, so  have checked it (both in mail and live mail), but it doesn't seem to make any difference


I think people may have been referring to NIS 2011 for the location of proxy settings but in NIS 2012 it is in Settings / Network / Network Security Settings as below:





You would click on configure but others will have to help you on what to do since I always have it disabled.


I hope that helps

Hi honey146,


This one is always a stumper.  I have yet to find a definitive cause for this error, despite doing a lot of research.  The email proxy is a component of email scanning.  Your best bet is to disable incoming email scanning.  Go to Norton Settings > Network > Message Protection > Email Antivirus Scan.  Click "Configure" and uncheck "Scan Incoming Email Messages."  Click "Apply" and "OK."  Or, if you wish to disable outgoing scans, as well (probably not a bad idea), just turn off the Email Antivirus Scan option, altogether.  Norton monitors the On/Off status of this setting and will start giving you a "Fix Now" warning.  To disable this, click Advanced on the main Norton window and hover your curson over the words "Email Protection."   Click "Ignore" in the small popup to turn off the alerts.


You will not be any less protected by disabling email scanning because Auto-Protect will continue to block any malware that might attempt to launch when you open an attachment.  It will catch anything that email scanning would have detected, so your security will not be impaired at all.