Message ‘Sign in to activate your app’ despite being signed in to the app

Hi there!

Despite having a valid licence on my computer, having installed the latest app, and being signed in, I still see the message ‘Sign in to activate your app’! The licence is valid, the computer is on the list of protected devices in my Norton account. When hovering over the Norton icon, I see the information “You are protected”, so what’s wrong there? Then, when I try to sign in (although I am still theoretically signed in), nothing changes, I continue to see the message ‘Sign in to activate your app’.

Very disappointing. I don’t know what to do about it. How do I fix it?

I would be grateful for your help.

Hello. Check for remote management being set, here is how in version 24.xx :grinning: Once set make sure you restart your computer then recheck for the issue persisting.