Message: "...You haven't finished Setup and your computer is not protected..." on Mac

Help! At my wits end...  I keep getting the message: "...You haven't finished Setup and your computer is not protected..." on my Mac running OS Monterey.  Had same issue off and on in previous OS as well.  I have seen many posts about variations of this over the 18 months or so, and have tried the FAQs, spent at least 5 hrs with Norton techs who swear each time "All fixed!" this will never happen again!"  WRONG.  They remote in, uninstall and reinstall.  It then works for that one time.  The next reboot, back to square one on 9 out of 10 reboots.  I keep telling them the repeated un-installs and re-installs is NOT a durable solution. But the techs persist each time. Each session is about an hour out of my life.  Maddening.

Clearly Norton still has no idea how to resolve this.

The Norton instructions on this issue "Allow Systems Extensions" show the "allow" button in MAC OS security and privacy.  The allow button DOES NOT appear.  When they do a deinstall and reinstall, it will appear for that one time. So they configure and think everything is ok.  Despite me telling them I and their colleagues have been down this road multiple times.    Then again back to square one on 9 out of 10 reboots.  Ground Hog day... 

But for that one lucky reboot, all is good with my install, until I reboot the next time.   Total crapshoot.  Makes no sense.  My gut tells me that it is something with the Lifelock.

So, I am appealing to the community in a last ditch exasperated effort before I cancel my Norton subscription.

Anyone have any ideas?

Thank you!