Messaging apps


I have bought a new phone (an Oppo) and I am not sure whether to trust the Oppo messaging app or to use the Google messaging app. I've googled but can't find any discussion on the functionality or security aspects of the different options.

Any advice will be welcomed.



PS - I tried to post this on the Community page but am struggling to register for it. gives me a link to the Norton Home Page. When I try to click on the Registration Page link I get a message 'Access Denied' ( even though I am already logged in to my Norton Account.

Thanks. I'll have another go. I appreciate your advice.

regarding: "Access denied"

'Norton Account' or 'Sign In' or 'registration page' links are 'Access denied' when I'm Sign'd In to Norton Community.  When I'm Sign'd Out Norton Community.  'Norton Account' or 'Sign In' or 'registration page' Sign In dialog. 

Sign In to Norton account & Sign In to Norton Community may use same credentials. 
Sign In's are discrete.