We live in exciting times ....
From Forbes:
6 Things Microsoft's New CEO Satya Nadella Needs To Do Now (1: Go Insane)
Microsoft has a new CEO! It’s Satya Nadella. They have a spiffy, iPad-ready website to tell you who it is.Microsoft is in a bad place. Mr Nadella has his work cut out for him.
Here are 6 suggestions:
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or probably most interesting:
which begins: [My bold]
<< Though Bill Gates is stepping down as chairman of the board at Microsoft, we’re about to see a company that looks more like Gates rather than less.
This morning, in addition to announcing that Gates, the company’s co-founder and spiritual leader, will cede his chairman role to former Symantec CEO John Thompson so that he can spend several days a week at Microsoft in a more direct advisory role, Microsoft confirmed that its CEO post will be filled by 22-year company veteran Satya Nadella, who many say is cut from similar cloth.
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