My old XP computer has been successfully using Ghost 10 for years. Now I have a new Windows 7 computer with Ghost 15 installed. I'd like to migrate all my files (not programs) using a ghost recovery point. I copied the .v2i file from old to new computer, but the new computer can't open it. I get the error "cannot validate the system index file". There is no problem with the file, as Ghost 10 on the old computer can read it via my network on the new computer. But Ghost 10 doesn't work with Windows 7, so I have to get Ghost 15 to read it locally. Please help.
Solved! There was a sneaky .sv2i file that needed to get copied over. Apparently, you need 2 files to read a recovery point.
My old XP computer has been successfully using Ghost 10 for years. Now I have a new Windows 7 computer with Ghost 15 installed. I'd like to migrate all my files (not programs) using a ghost recovery point. I copied the .v2i file from old to new computer, but the new computer can't open it. I get the error "cannot validate the system index file". There is no problem with the file, as Ghost 10 on the old computer can read it via my network on the new computer. But Ghost 10 doesn't work with Windows 7, so I have to get Ghost 15 to read it locally. Please help.
Were you trying to mount the .v2i file as a drive letter or use Recovery Point Browser? You should have been able to open the v2i image in Recovery Point Browser. I believe the .sv2i file mainly contains information about the disk partition layout.
I never got either option. I went to 'recover my files' and 'change recovery point'. G15 didn't see the .v2i file unless I told it to show all file types but then returned the error I mentioned when I tried to click on it.
What happens if you use Windows Explorer to browse to the .v2i file and double click it? The Recovery Point Browser should open. The .sv2i file shouldn't need to be present for this.