Mining is working but rate crashed!

Overall the last 4-5 days the mining has bee good.  The last 5 hrs 5pm - 10 pm, with NO computer use other than mining, the rate of accumulation is 10% of my normal!!  I've shut it down again, NOT good!!!! I guess it's better than mining for Zero but NOT good. Please advise on what is going on.

My post was going only on the slow down of ETH increase  which was about 50 % from what it was increasing  at and has returned to what it normally increases  at  a day go and still working as should, but their was a slow down.

Other than fleeting looks I RARELY pay attention to dollar amounts. I always use the ETH balance in my log which I take snapshots of several times a day, if I'm running, and then run the #'s to get hourly rate.  With my single GPU rig I normally run around 0.000012-14 but I've seen a range of 0.000005 (or less) to 0.00002 accumulation per hr.  I usually run an HR in the low 20s.  Normally the dips in rate are due to me using the computer at the same time, in the eve & night when I'm not on it I expect a higher rate.  There was a decrease the eve of my report, although I admit I was mistaken of the %.  I did see a dip during the day yesterday also but it picked back up.

Thanks for the recommendation anyway VonG, I have seen comments that seem that others do go by the $ amount.  Since my accumulation is durn slow, I'll probably get one or 2 more payouts and then kill it for a while and see how the transition to ETH2 goes.  Based on what I read, ETH1 balances will transition to ETH2 so I assume Norton will transition to it also, we shall see.  I don't need the money (little that it is right now) and more than likely it will come to nothing but you never know. Maybe a big boom and I can afford another RTX 3060 at a grand give or take. If it wasn't for Norton, I highly doubt I would be mining at all anyway.

After a few hours of mining today i can say that everything went back to normal. No idea what was wrong yesterday but mining was very slow - max 50 % of normal performance (ETH, not $$$).

Guys. You need to pay attention to your ETH accumulation, not the $$$.  Etheruem went past its all-time high-value last night and it made it look like we were making money faster than usual, but it is not dropping (probably due to people selling off), so it looks like we are actually losing money. It is just the value of the ETH that is fluctuating.  This is why you need to watch the ETH and not the $$$ value. 

That being said, it does appear that the ETH accumulation has been slower than it was three days ago.   

Miner got to payout and has increased the rate for now .Desktop Screenshot 2021.10.20 -

I only have a single GPU RTX 3060 (came with my new rig) so if things go well it takes me about 2 weeks, if running full time, for 1 payout.  Real time probably closer to a month, that's about what it took for my 1st one along with the problems and shutdowns by me.  When I bought the rig I did not plan on crypto mining at all, otherwise I may have thrown in another card.  I'd like to get another GPU but, man, the prices are still so high!

This rig when miners running right gets payout close to every 24 hours.  Here the last 2 payouts .      

October 18, 2021 4:30:16 AM
Mining Payout

0.004238943088 ETH and   

October 19, 2021 5:20:16 AM
Mining Payout

0.004008393693 ETH No payout right now and miner is at ,   Will let you know when and how far behind miners is . I would guess  close to 50 %.Desktop Screenshot 2021.10.20 -

I want to correct myself, it was right before bed and I ran the numbers wrong but there had been a performance loss yesterday, I did not run miner last night.  Rate of increase was down maybe about 30%, during a time I was not using my computer, 5-10pm.  More miners to compete with I suppose.  Still new too me and we don't have much data to go off of on our end.

Same here  !

There are some problems with miner. It's working but maybe with 10-20% of normal performance.