Mirrored backups with Ghost 14?

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Is there a way to setup mirrored backups with Norton Ghost v14? I've been using Genie Backup Manager, and among the other features is the option to do mirrored backup, which basically created a folder on your backup media that is then synced with a folder on your computer. If you delete something on your desktop, it is then deleted from your backup the next time you run the backup job. This is good if you use a downloads folder as a sort of "staging area" before moving files to their proper places on your data drive.

Through Ghost there is no way to do this.  The only way I could think of would be to perform a backup to an array or an array enclosure. 


As for folder incrementals, you can set up a "File and Folder backup" that way.  That will only do incremental changes for the files or folders that you have defined.



That’s dissapointing. Ghost 14 has a lot of great features that I really like. The ability to perform an automatica backup when threatcon reaches a particular threshold is particularly appealing. However, when you store as much data as I do, space is a real premium, and I can’t do incrimental backups of my download folder without quickly running out, nor do I have the time to do full backups every day. I hope Symantec will consider a mirrored backup option in future versions. For now, I’ll have to stick with my current product.

I did a little digging around for you.  Ghost does not have the feature you’re looking for, but we do have an Enterprise version that does.  Backup Exec Continuous Protection Server .  You might want to go to the Enterprise forum (https://forums.symantec.com) to dig around about the features. 

Backup Exec is undoubtably a great program. However, besides being outside of my price range (I’m a consumer here, not a business); it was my understanding that it only ran on server OS’s, like Windows Server 2000, 2003, & 2008.

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Actually it depends on which Backup Exec your installing.  There are server only editions, but desktop versions as well.  As to cost I don't know. 


Also, is there a way of doing incremental backups of particular folders, instead of just the entire drive?