Missing QuickMenu icon upper right bar

This is minor, I know, but I can't seem to find a resolution.  The small icon that normally appears along with the time, airport signal, volume icons in the upper right of the screen (10.5.5 running Norton Anti-Virus 11) is suddenly missing and I can't get it to come back.


I went to QuickMenu in the Systems folder and turned it on and off but it does not show up.  Any suggestions would be welcome!

Another resolution: Open Finder > Macintosh HD > Application Support > Norton Solutions Support > SymQuickMenu > double-click SymQuickMenu.app

This is minor, I know, but I can't seem to find a resolution.  The small icon that normally appears along with the time, airport signal, volume icons in the upper right of the screen (10.5.5 running Norton Anti-Virus 11) is suddenly missing and I can't get it to come back.


I went to QuickMenu in the Systems folder and turned it on and off but it does not show up.  Any suggestions would be welcome!