Mobile ID Safe Password Issue

I downloaded the mobile version (iPhone 5) of Norton identity safe so I could use it in the same manner that I use it on my laptop. However, today when I went to login, I use the same password that I use to access ID safe on my computer and it continues to say "incorrect password". I went to my computer and double checked the password (although it wasn't necessary because I use it every day and know it by heart)...I was typing the correct password. Also, when I clicked on the "forgot my password" link, it simply said it does not store password information and the only fix is to change your vault password on your computer, which I would rather not do.

Has anyone else run into this issue and, if so, were you able to find a fix or a workaround?

Thank you!


I downloaded the mobile version (iPhone 5) of Norton identity safe so I could use it in the same manner that I use it on my laptop. However, today when I went to login, I use the same password that I use to access ID safe on my computer and it continues to say "incorrect password". I went to my computer and double checked the password (although it wasn't necessary because I use it every day and know it by heart)...I was typing the correct password. Also, when I clicked on the "forgot my password" link, it simply said it does not store password information and the only fix is to change your vault password on your computer, which I would rather not do.

Has anyone else run into this issue and, if so, were you able to find a fix or a workaround?

Thank you!


After downloading Norton Idsafe App, Is this the first time you try to login to Norton account and vault , facing incorrect password message. 




You are using Norton Idsafe App earlier and by today when you try to login, you see Incorrect password message


Do mention the version of Norton Idafe and Device  specification you are using.

Please let us know the your Norton Account Email address and Also your device wifi signal strength.

I have the same problem. It stopped working on my iPhone and work PC a couple of months ago. On my personal PC with Norton Internet Security, it works fine, but on my PC at work with the free Norton Identity Safe toolbar it  stopped by the same time as the iOS version. I have an iPhone 3GS with the latest version of Identity Safe (2.5.14) Please help







Can you try the following?


Go to

Choose Sign In and see if you can sign into the Norton Account and Vault.


If you can please go back to your other devices and try again.  Please let me know the outcome.



Rhonda- Program Manager for IDSafe Mobile Edition. 

Thanks RDLeo

I have had this annoying problem with IS on my Samsung Galaxy for a couple of months now and I followed your solution and now it works again.

That is great.  Sometimes the website just forces the cloud to sync up.  We are working on this area to improve it. We have had a few issues reported here, but these types of issues are hard to reproduce internally.  


Hope to hear from the others soon.



There needs to be a way to enlarge the pics since the app only since the app only gives you zoom will not wor some o some of us who use th who use the app a are visually impaired indeed a little larger text

Moved to own thread for better exposure.