Monitoring Windows domain controlled accounts

Hi there,

I am trying to get Norton family filter to monitor a user account which is controlled by a Windows 2003 domain.

The only way I can currently get this to work is by making the domain account into a local account.


This is not ideal as I need for the profile to be controlled and be subject the the domain policy not a local PC policy.


I have followed but still cant get it to work.

This same question was asked 2 years ago, have there been any developments since then?


Thanks in advance.

Please, any ideas anyone?



can you please tell us on which Windows OS is the Safety Minder product installed?

And are these accounts roaming user profiles using the Active Directory feature of Windows Server 2003?

Hi, thanks for your reply.


I have NOF installed on Windows 7 64bit machine.

Unfortunatley the user profile is not roaming but I could investigate changing this one profile for testing purposes if you think it will help?


I look forward to hearing from you :-)



You should try to change it then to roaming ones. It is a bit slower by the logins (the first could be much slower if there's a lot of files in the profile), but I think it could work, as this way the user profile will have all the settings stored at the client side as well, not only the server side.

And I think this could be the problem here, as Norton Online Family needs a "kinda-normal-looking" user profile in this scenario, and with roamings you will have it. (In theory :P).



Let us know the results.