I just signed up for Norton Online Family and I downloaded the Safety Minder onto both of my children’s computers. However, my account only recognizes one computer (as far as I can tell anyway). How does Norton differentiate the different computers? There must be something sent from the computer to Norton. My kids have identical laptops and they are on the same network. Thanks.
I just signed up for Norton Online Family and I downloaded the Safety Minder onto both of my children’s computers. However, my account only recognizes one computer (as far as I can tell anyway). How does Norton differentiate the different computers? There must be something sent from the computer to Norton. My kids have identical laptops and they are on the same network. Thanks.
Thank you for the response. I was not asked to name the second computer.
I just logged into my account and I am able to view my son's activity. However, when I look up my daughter, the summary says that she is not assigned to a computer and that I should go to Settings>Profile to select one for her. When I did that, it says that Norton detects one (1) computer. There should be two computers and I have downloaded this on both of them.
I'm still not sure why Norton does not recognize my daughter's computer. I thought perhaps identifying system configuration information was sent to Norton from each computer (e.g. hardware installed) and based on that specific information, Norton could differentiate the computers. I know other software companies do this.
What do I need to do to get Norton to recognize the second computer? Thanks.
Hi inasad,
If you’ve downloaded Norton Safety Minder on your daughter’s PC (which was not recognized), you should have seen the following screen during the process of installing it.
I know you’ve installed Norton Safety Minder on her PC, but let's install again (it’ll uninstall the existing one) and you will get a chance to name the PC.
If you still have trouble setting it up, that's fine. I’ll be more than happy to setup a remote desktop access and work with you together on this. Just let me know when it would be the best time for you.
I uninstalled the software and then reinstalled it and I’m happy to say that it works now. Thank you so much!