My HTC one x+ through norton mobile security found malware called ""
I was not able to delete it, as it was mentioning as a HTC System File. Could you please help me to find solution for that.
Appreciate for your time and kind attention.
My HTC one x+ through norton mobile security found malware called ""
I was not able to delete it, as it was mentioning as a HTC System File. Could you please help me to find solution for that.
Appreciate for your time and kind attention.
Hi Smithy,
Thanks for your reply.
It was a brand new mobile.
Hi Vamsi
Thanks for your reply i have notified the Norton Team of this
issue as it is a pretty strange thing to be happening.
I also found the same issue mentioned in a Android forum on
the internet so it does not seem like you are the only NMS
user with this issue.
What version of the Android OS does your HTC One Plus have
Did NMS come preinstalled on the Android device.?
If so what version of NMS is installed.?
Have you tried to uninstall and reinstall NMS to see if that will
fix the issue.?
Keep us posted. :)
Hi Smithy,
Thanks Again, It is Icecream Sandwich OS (4.0). The NMS was downloaded from the playstore day before yesterday. Tried Uninstall and reinstall.
Still the issue remains the same.
Vamsi Krishna
Thanks for that info Vamsi.
Your issue has been reported to Symantec Norton and it will be passed
onto the correct team to look into it further. :)
if there is any news we will try to post it here to keep you up to date.
Thank you for your patience.
I guess for the time being you will just have to put up with the false
positives when ever a scan takes place.
You could set the Scheduled Scan intervals for a longer period to
prevent having the scan results popping up all the time, that should
work. :)
Hi Vamsi
Just one more question being what is the current version number of
NMS that you have installed on your device.
This can be found by opening the NMS app then tap Menu then About.
This info will assist the Norton Team.
Thanks for your help Vamsi it is much appreciated to resolve the issue.
Hi Vamsi
The Norton Team has fixed the issues that you have been seeing
when running an Malware scan on your HTC Android device.
If you could run a manual LiveUpdate to update the NMS application
definitions, open the NMS app select Menu then Run LiveUpdate.
Then run a manual Malware Scan and you should now not see the
issue that you have been seeing in the past.
Keep us posted and let us know how you go as that would really
be appreciated to know if the issue has been fully fixed.:)