My Norton App not loading properly

Upon boot-up and restarts, My Norton App refuses to load properly. I have been getting repeated additional apps and service utilities purchase option showing up and most of the other features missing. Also, I have been getting numerous error reporting submissions and product maintenance failed to complete alerts. Repeated reboots do not help. This has been going on for some time now. What is going on?


Thank you for posting on the Norton Community. We are looking into this issue. We will reach out to you if we need more information to help us troubleshoot the issue. Thank you. 

" I have been getting numerous error reporting submissions and product maintenance failed to complete alerts "

Could you send us a screenshot to see which alerts?

Running Norton

Windows 11 Home 22H2


jeff davis 3 - If this is any consolation, you are not alone with some of the problems, the MyNorton issue seems be growing.

All: What are the OS's you are running and is the latest version of Norton installed version ? I haven't been on my Windows 11 machine in a couple of days so I want to make a point to look for this in case Windows 11 is the issue OS. I'm currently not seeing any issues on any of my Windows 10 Pro machines running Norton Security Ultra, current version . My W11 lappy is the only device I am using N360 on so I will be checking it ASAP. Will let you all know if I endure the same issues.


Absolutely agree with you. 

Such a simple thing as listing your features going wrong degrades my trust in the real important things the package is supposed to be doing.

Thank you for the response. Fortunately or unfortunately, I seem to be in the same boat as others. It's troublesome when Norton is doing something that it should not be doing which raises the concern of how do I know Norton is doing what it is supposed to be doing. A conundrum of life I guess.     

I have the same issue and many others do also.

Search these forums and you will find several posts with the same problems as you are stating here.

Hopefully, Norton is aware and will modify their software and have a hotfix soon as the complaints grow.