My Norton Security beta experiences and direction Norton products are going

I'm long time Norton products user. I'm using Norton antivirus in my home computers and Symantec endpoint protection at work.

Now I’m testing Norton Security V22.0.0.67

I always installed Norton Antivirus (not Norton internet security), I am experienced user and IT pro, so I need just clean antivirus solution with no additional tools and even without firewall, there was offers when the price difference between Norton antivirus and Norton internet Security was very small but I would always choose Antivirus.

I installed Norton Security Beta and it seems that there is no customization during install to select what components to be installed.

It installs everything even things I don’t need by default.

It seems that Norton is going add more and more unnecessary functionality that isn’t related to antivirus. Sad but it seems that Norton is slowly trying to become one of these bloat ware all in one products. Some users may be happy with that, but I need virus/malware protection from my antivirus not disk defragmenter, TEMP file cleaner, cloud password storage, backup solution, browser toolbars, etc. It’s ok to make one product with that functionality but at least there should be advanced installation option to not install components you don’t use or need.


My test system is running on HDD but all my productivity systems uses SSDs so optimization by defragmenting files isn’t going to help its actually does more harm.. Does Norton security detects SSD and turns off defragmentation or better is there any way to not install performance components?