Mywebsearch adware, Norton wont open, a lot going on Help please

It started about month ago  everything was going really slow.  I used mbam and took out I thougt mywebsearch adware.  Everything I  thought was okay.  Well returned slowness etc.  I worked off another website for help and not really much , OTL cant run ,  combo fix half worked wont run now on it,  Super Antispyware took the adware off again.  I spent most of my weekend on another website trying to get it fixed.  Seems to  gotten worse.  I cant  get norton 360 to open says something like cant acess it Norton premium services and norton support  error 0x80004005 ,3019:1;  Also I renewed this  2 months ago I think,  well with renewal my download inurance is not renewed , will email about that one.


Super antispyware


(x86) HKCR\Interface\{2E9937FC-CF2F-4F56-AF54-5A6A3DD375CC}
(x86) HKCR\Interface\{2E9937FC-CF2F-4F56-AF54-5A6A3DD375CC}\ProxyStubClsid
(x86) HKCR\Interface\{2E9937FC-CF2F-4F56-AF54-5A6A3DD375CC}\ProxyStubClsid32
(x86) HKCR\Interface\{2E9937FC-CF2F-4F56-AF54-5A6A3DD375CC}\TypeLib
(x86) HKCR\Interface\{2E9937FC-CF2F-4F56-AF54-5A6A3DD375CC}\TypeLib#Version
(x86) HKCR\Interface\{741DE825-A6F0-4497-9AA6-8023CF9B0FFF}
(x86) HKCR\Interface\{741DE825-A6F0-4497-9AA6-8023CF9B0FFF}\ProxyStubClsid
(x86) HKCR\Interface\{741DE825-A6F0-4497-9AA6-8023CF9B0FFF}\ProxyStubClsid32
(x86) HKCR\Interface\{741DE825-A6F0-4497-9AA6-8023CF9B0FFF}\TypeLib
(x86) HKCR\Interface\{741DE825-A6F0-4497-9AA6-8023CF9B0FFF}\TypeLib#Version

Did another scan it is not on there for right now.  I have mbam and Antispyware due to norton cant even open but says it is protected.  Please I need help.