N360 Engine


When I update the Norton v4 said the N360 Failed.


According I read in this forum you recommend the tool removal and reinstalling, but I can't find Norton 360 v4.


But I'm afraid to do that, when a Guru said:  run Chkdsk because my computer system  some times are unstable.


So could you say me what happened if the N360 Engine aren't update?


Thanks in advance







as Norton 360 is a subscitpiton based product, you can always install the latest versions.
Here are the steps:
1. If you use the feature, please backup your Identity Safe data (Settings -> Identity Protection -> Backup)
2. Download latest Norton 360 installer:
- www.norton.com/n360s_5 Standard with 2GB Online Storage
- www.norton.com/n360p_5 Premier with 25GB Online Storage
- www.norton.com/n360sne_5 Standard Netbook Edition with 2GB Online Storage
- www.norton.com/n360pne_5 Premier Netbook Edition with 25GB Online Storage
- for other languages than English please go to the Norton Update Center: www.norton.com/nuc
3. Download Norton Removal Tool: www.norton.com/nrt
4. Disconnect from internet
5. Remove the old Norton 360 version from Start Menu or from Control Panel -> Add or Remove programs
6. Reboot
7. Run the Norton Removal Tool, reboot (repeat it 2-3 times)
8. Install Norton 360 version 5 with the downloaded installer
9. Reconnect to the internet
10. Activate Norton 360 version 5 with the same key you have for the older version
11. Run Live Update until you get no new updates
12. Restore your Identity Safe data (Settings ->Identity Protection -> Restore)

You can check how the Norton Removal Tool works in this video.

Let us know the results.

I will try do like you said me.


Thank you very much for your answer!



Thank you very much PapauZ  for your recommendation about upgrade Norton 360 v5, is working excelent and more fast than the older version!


Best regards,


Your very welcome :).