N360: iPhone4S is unable to complete sync via iTunes

Applecare is about to suggest that I uninstall/reinstall N360, but I am not certain that is good idea OR that N360 is causing the problem.


iPhone 4s connected to PC via USB; device is found and syc begins but at the last step (7 of 7) all you see in iTunes is the barber shop pole rotating and the sync never completes. The iTunes text says something like "Waiting for changes to be completed".


Win 7 Pro 64 bit    iTunes v


More info:

I temporarily disabled N360 Firewall and sync also does NOT complete.

Viewing N360 history does NOT show as far as I understand it that N360 has blocked iTunes.


I went into Firewall "Program Rules" which already showed iTunes.exe with the choice of Auto; changing this to Allow did not solve the problem.


NOTE: I have iTunes installed on local C drive but NOT in its default folder ... it is is at C:\_audio\iTunes    but I don't think that should impact anything.


Appreciate any of your thoughts/suggestions.



Ran some of the iTunes diagnostics which do NOT show any problems ...


Microsoft Windows 7 x64 Business Edition Service Pack 1 (Build 7601)
QuickTime not available
FairPlay 1.13.35
Apple Application Support 2.1.5
iPod Updater Library 10.0d2
CD Driver
CD Driver DLL
Apple Mobile Device
Apple Mobile Device Driver
Bonjour (333.10)
Gracenote SDK
Gracenote MusicID
Gracenote Submit
Gracenote DSP

iTunes Serial Number 003EAF14036408A0

Current user is an administrator.
The current local date and time is 2011-11-10 13:17:46.
iTunes is not running in safe mode.
WebKit accelerated compositing is enabled.
HDCP is supported.
Core Media is supported.

Video Display Information


**** External Plug-ins Information ****

No external plug-ins installed.

**** Device Connectivity Tests ****

iPodService (x64) is currently running.
iTunesHelper is currently running.
Apple Mobile Device service is currently running.

Universal Serial Bus Controllers:

NEC Electronics USB 3.0 Host Controller.  Device is working properly.
Intel(R) 5 Series/3400 Series Chipset Family USB Enhanced Host Controller - 3B34.  Device is working properly.
Intel(R) 5 Series/3400 Series Chipset Family USB Enhanced Host Controller - 3B3C.  Device is working properly.

FireWire (IEEE 1394) Host Controllers:

Ricoh 1394 OHCI Compliant Host Controller.  Device is working properly.

Connected Device Information:

Edward, iPhone 4S running firmware version 5.0
Serial Number:    C39GJ8APDTFF

**** Device Sync Tests ****

Sync tests completed successfully.


Edited immediately to correct subject

I had a similar problem sort of. Try going in to your 360 settings/firewall/program rules and manually remove everything there. I realize it can be a pain, but I have found that after things continually update and change so many times, it can create a problem for whatever reason. Doing this won't cause a problem because the next time your programs try and access, new rules will be created. I had to do this for an EA program called Origin as it would not connect to the internet and it solved my problem. Maybe it will help you too.

Thanks for suggestion. If others confirm that the "rules" will re-establish themselves then I might try that.


Since i posted here I checked the Apple support forum and numerous somewhat similar problems reported. The latter confrims my hunch that this is probably NOT an N360 issue. Some on Apple forum have found that if they delete all Voice Memos and do NOT ask iTunes to synch those that things are resolved; others have had to a restore one or more times to have things resolve.


Here is apply forum thread that discusses above. https://discussions.apple.com/thread/3393643?start=0&tstart=0

But the link might not work unless you log into those forums: You can search those forums on iTunes "Waiting for items to copy" to find the thread.


Will report back when I find a solution.


I'm not an iphone user so I may be way out of my knowledge base here.

Is ther a choice to 'copy' rather than to 'sync' things? In other applications I've created some really nice messes by trying to 'sync' things when all I really needed to do was 'copy' some things from one place to another. I have had to go in and do a little deleting when I try to stuff more bytes into the bag than it's designed to hold:smileyhappy: Easy enough to do and no problems after.

Stay well and surf safe

Problem resolved, and as I had thought my problem had nothing to do with N360.


As indicated in my earlier post and link to Apple forum; the resolution for me was to restore this month old iPhone 4S to factory settings. I have done a sync via iTunes several times thereafter and all of them completed properly without hanging.

Thanks for posting the solution AND marking the problem solved :smileyvery-happy: