NAT Drains Battery Searching for GPS Signal

I have noticed that the latest NAT version, is draining my battery by constantly searching for GPS signal when I am in a location that cannot receive any satellite signals.


To validate the problem, I have a compass application that will tell me how many satellites the GPS is able to use. With the number of satellites showing zero, I rebooted my phone and using the phone’s built-in battery monitor after five minutes from boot-up, I saw that NAT was the second most power draining application listed after the display.


The NAT should timeout within 30 to 60 seconds of attempting to reach a GPS signal and resort to using network and WiFi for location. Checks for GPS signal should be set at certain intervals with short timeouts to prevent battery drain.


The only way I can stop NAT from draining my battery when NAT decides to use GPS signal is to disable GPS while inside at work.


I appreciate that NAT is trying to get the most accurate location by using GPS signal. However the application needs to throttle itself to avoid draining a phone’s battery when no GPS signal exists.