Recently updated NAV 2009 to 2010. Running Windows 7 Professional 64 bit. For the past two days I'm finding that NAV has crashed early in the morning. Something is causing ccSvcHst.exe to crash. These is from the event viewer.
Unfortunately the problem is happening while the PC is idle. No crash has happened while I was at the console. I do have archives of the crash reports sent in to Microsoft automatically, just point me to where I can send them.
Last note, there was one Windows Update added, KB974332 which I will try to uninstall to see if the crashes stop.
Run it twice with a reboot after each run. Note that NRT will remove all Norton products on your system
Then reinstall NIS 2010 from the install folder on your desktop from your previous installation. If you do not have it there then download NIS 2010 from here
ok I'll try the uninstall / reinstall first.. However I have a suspicion it has something to do with KB974332, since as per :
Applications that are included in the August 2009 update
Application ---- Behavior after you install the update
Altiris and Symantec Virtual Software up to version 6.1.499.x ---- Upgrade Block to avoid errors during Windows upgrade
Up until this update was installed, NAV worked fine..
A Google search of C:\Windows\SysWOW64\ntdll.dll shows there have been problems with this for quite some time even before Windows 7. This .dll I saw can cause many things to crash. I'm not any computer expert, but I figured to try and see what a search of that .dll would show. It seems that it can cause many things to crash over the years. I don't know, but maybe it has something to do with WOW if you play that game. This is just a guess on my part. Maybe it will give a clue to someone.
so far so good… it appears the reinstall for once did the trick… even with KB974332 installed no crashes so far… I’ll give it a week tho until I breathe easy, since that’s about how long between the time I upgraded NAV 2009 to 2010 before it started to crash…
beerbum wrote: so far so good.. it appears the reinstall for once did the trick... even with KB974332 installed no crashes so far.. I'll give it a week tho until I breathe easy, since that's about how long between the time I upgraded NAV 2009 to 2010 before it started to crash..
Glad to hear it has gone well so far. Look forward to you telling us in a week that all is still working.
beerbum wrote: so far so good.. it appears the reinstall for once did the trick... even with KB974332 installed no crashes so far.. I'll give it a week tho until I breathe easy, since that's about how long between the time I upgraded NAV 2009 to 2010 before it started to crash..
I've found that a windows update sometimes can change pre-existing settings that shouldn't be changed. So re-installing the damaged program puts the settings back in place and the problem is solved. Some packages (MathType comes to mind) even tells you that if you reinstall MS Office, you need to first uninstall then next reinstall MathType.
In this case, I am curious to know whether or not you had NAV set up to monitor MS Office? If the update modified MS Office and NAV had become integrated in the pre-existing MS Office, that might have caused the program.