NAV / NIS / N360 @ ver

I've 3-machines; 2 - NIS, and 1 - N360
I'm a tad confused with their functionality.
Installed the new NIS. Are the NIS machines running in a quasi NS mode, with Cloud engineering ?
I'm hanging onto the N360, until the inevitable bugs associated with a new version subside.

Has NS / NS with BU been released worldwide, assuming not ?
So, the rest of the world is going to have to negotiate 2 change-outs, at some stage. Not ideal !

With the release of W10, it's going to be a busy old world, for quite some time ?

Be safe out there !
The Silver Surfer. AK.  [ CC/1960. "Concordia Res Parvae Crescunt" ] 
pre:- [ photo762 ] : Nil illegitimi carborundum !

ps. I'm going to put all my machines on NS; when the current subscriptions expire.